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Activities of "Repunjay_TASC"

Can you pls guide me where i miss configuration or what are configuration need to cross check ?





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  1. As per your suggestion i have removed ** client secret** for the **swagger ** application. able to authorizations.

  2. However, I want to login using angular application i have done below steps but facing **invalid_scope **error. error:invalid_scope error_description:The specified 'scope' is invalid.

Database :-


1.The above error was fixed because I used "Files_App" instead of "Files_Swagger" for the swagger application. however, modified the database "ClientId"  column values to "Files_Swagger".

However, I'm still having issues.

DBMigrator appsetting.json database

Hi ,

  1. I have updated same port in DB now **redirect_uri ** error got resolved.

However, While I am click on below "Authorize" button, I am getting below error, what could be the issue for this?

error :-

Can you please guid, where I miss configuration? Also please find above table screenshot "Redirecturi " and "Clienturi" column value is correct?

It has been sent. Thank you

Need help configuring swagger authorization. can't get past the following error.

error:invalid_request error_description:The specified 'redirect_uri' is not valid for this client application. error_uri:https://documentation.openiddict.com/errors/ID2043

for your refence i have attached swagger url and table screen shots

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