Activities of "Rrader30"


I have redis running on and I got the error with the server running. It almost seems like it can not handle large datasets. So my question, is there a way to turn redis off for specific queries? I would like to keep redis running but having issues like this keeps it from running properly.


So I downloaded and ran the profiling, but honestly did not see any issues (of course I am not sure what exactly I am looking at). This is very odd issue that I have not run into with other APIs I have added. It takes a good 4 mins or so for the data to return about to the HttpApi project. Not sure what would be between the Application and the HttpApi, but the application project returns the data in less than a min but it takes over 4 mins for it to show up in Swagger. Very weird issue. Could it have anything to do with redis?

  • ABP Framework version: v5.1.2
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

I am attempting to build out some basic reporting features. I created a new end-point.

My application end-point code is as follows

public virtual async Task<PagedResultDto<ReportingContractor>> GetAvailableContractors(Guid? MSA = null, int? trade = null, int? status = null, Guid? vps = null) { List<ContractorDto> _rpt = new List<ContractorDto>();

        IQueryable&lt;Trade&gt; queryableTrade = await _trade.GetQueryableAsync();
        List&lt;Trade&gt; queryTrade = (from _t in queryableTrade
                           orderby _t.Id
                           select _t).ToList();

        IQueryable&lt;Status&gt; queryableStatus = await _status.GetQueryableAsync();
        List&lt;Status&gt; queryStatus = (from _s in queryableStatus
                                    orderby _s.Id
                                  select _s).ToList();

        //Get all the contractors
        IQueryable&lt;Contractor&gt; queryablecnt = await _contractor.GetQueryableAsync();
        var querycnt = (from cnt in queryablecnt
                        orderby cnt.Id
                        select cnt).ToList();

        var _cntrList = querycnt.WhereIf(MSA.HasValue, e => e.msaid.Contains(MSA.ToString()))
                                .WhereIf(trade.HasValue, e => e.tradeid == trade)
                                .WhereIf(status.HasValue, e => e.status == status)
                                .WhereIf(vps.HasValue, e => e.procurementSpecialist == vps.ToString());

        ////Duplicate Contractors for each of the MSA they belong to.
        List&lt;Contractor&gt; _cntrItems = new List&lt;Contractor&gt;();
        foreach (var _itemCtr in _cntrList.ToList())
            Contractor _cnItem = new Contractor();

            if (_itemCtr.msaid != null)
                var tags = _itemCtr.msaid.ToString();
                string[] _tags = tags.Split(',');
                _tags = _tags.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();

                List&lt;string&gt; msaNames = new List&lt;string&gt;();

                foreach (string _tag in _tags)
                    if (_tag.ToString() != null)
                        _itemCtr.msaid = _tag.ToString();

        List&lt;ReportingContractor&gt; _rptItems = new List&lt;ReportingContractor&gt;();

        foreach (var _itemCtr in _cntrItems.ToList())
            ReportingContractor _cnItem = new ReportingContractor();
            var rpt = ObjectMapper.Map&lt;Contractor, ReportingContractor&gt;(_itemCtr);

            if (rpt.status != 0 || rpt.status != null)
                foreach (var stat in queryStatus)
                    if (_cnItem.status == stat.Id)
                        rpt.statusName = stat.Name;

            if (rpt.tradeid != 0)
                foreach (var _trade in queryTrade)
                    if (_trade.Id == rpt.tradeid)
                        rpt.tradeName = _trade.Name;


        var _return = new PagedResultDto&lt;ReportingContractor&gt;
            TotalCount = _rptItems.Count,
            Items = _rptItems

        return _return;

The code itself runs at a decent speed given the number of records (close to 900). What I noticed is the code will return values in debug but it takes 3-4x as long for the values to show up in Swagger. I can't seem to figure out what would be causing the issue.

Here is the other areas of code: IContractorAppService

Task<PagedResultDto<ReportingContractor>> GetAvailableContractors(Guid? MSA = null, int? trade = null, int? status = null, Guid? vps = null);

HttpApi ContractorController

[HttpGet] [Route("gcavail")] public virtual Task<PagedResultDto<ReportingContractor>> GetAvailableContractors(Guid? MSA = null, int? trade = null, int? status = null, Guid? vps = null) { return _contractorsAppService.GetAvailableContractors(MSA, trade, status, vps); }

  • ABP Framework version: v5.1.2
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

Ever since I upgraded my audit logs, user management and claim types screens do not show details after the first row. How can I fix this?

  • ABP Framework version: v5.1.1
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

Hello. I have an project and I recently upgrade to 5.0 to 5.1.1. A couple things I noticed were the tags for advance search changed, but it seems that the modal also changed. Prior to the upgrade I defined my modal to be a size of xl

<abp-modal [busy]="isModalBusy" [(visible)]="isModalOpen" size="xl">

I noticed that the documentation changed and it should be defined as size="ExtraLarge". I made this change but my modal is still opening as modal-md. What tag should be used to open a modal as ExtraLarge?


okay clearing the cookies worked. Thank you!!

Quick question, is there a way to figure when someone goes to /hangfire that it redirects to /home/login and once they login it takes them back to /hangfire?


I set it to

Now I get this error


Can I put anything in the redirect? The seed data did not appear to have this configured, so I did not set it.


Here is the only error I could find in the Identity Logs

2022-01-04 08:16:06.476 -05:00 [DBG] Request path /connect/authorize matched to endpoint type Authorize 2022-01-04 08:16:06.482 -05:00 [DBG] Endpoint enabled: Authorize, successfully created handler: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.AuthorizeEndpoint 2022-01-04 08:16:06.482 -05:00 [INF] Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.AuthorizeEndpoint for /connect/authorize 2022-01-04 08:16:06.483 -05:00 [DBG] Start authorize request 2022-01-04 08:16:06.497 -05:00 [DBG] User in authorize request: 51464bf4-f1cb-779d-6252-3a00b739cc3a 2022-01-04 08:16:06.498 -05:00 [DBG] Start authorize request protocol validation 2022-01-04 08:16:07.342 -05:00 [ERR] Invalid client configuration for client TiberVendor_Swagger_API: No redirect URI configured. 2022-01-04 08:16:07.349 -05:00 [INF] {"ClientId":"TiberVendor_Swagger_API","ClientName":"TiberVendor_Swagger_API","Category":"Error","Name":"Invalid Client Configuration","EventType":"Error","Id":3001,"Message":"No redirect URI configured.","ActivityId":"80000012-0000-fa00-b63f-84710c7967bb","TimeStamp":"2022-01-04T13:16:07.0000000Z","ProcessId":26060,"LocalIpAddress":"::1:44365","RemoteIpAddress":"::1","$type":"InvalidClientConfigurationEvent"} 2022-01-04 08:16:07.356 -05:00 [ERR] Unknown client or not enabled: TiberVendor_Swagger_API {"ClientId":null,"ClientName":null,"RedirectUri":null,"AllowedRedirectUris":null,"SubjectId":"51464bf4-f1cb-779d-6252-3a00b739cc3a","ResponseType":null,"ResponseMode":null,"GrantType":null,"RequestedScopes":"","State":null,"UiLocales":null,"Nonce":null,"AuthenticationContextReferenceClasses":null,"DisplayMode":null,"PromptMode":"","MaxAge":null,"LoginHint":null,"SessionId":null,"Raw":{"client_id":"TiberVendor_Swagger_API","redirect_uri":"https://localhost:44350/signin-oidc","response_type":"code id_token","scope":"openid profile role email phone TiberVendor","response_mode":"form_post","nonce":"637768989664581484.OTg4MWU1MzItZmM0MC00ODY2LWEyN2UtNmI0MmVmZmEwMjkwMDA5MGVjN2MtZmVlNy00NmVjLTk0YWMtMjRjODE5M2M3ODJh","state":"CfDJ8H6grzoh7DtIlYlDfmJPrKUej933TsXls_saq_LipbWwjlKOeyNE78Bx2-i7CjfbKZ3lXQ0rrxoZTAtv_I7j5Y0VQu-0xGYXdkQD8grNKGbMIfDKlcEs2PO0DSpgPc7YeG8eEPVHH-8QPuj9UaPTJLE65eegkX5IKxh5J_VTQ5I6ksAmDqNUGwYouhOik74aQKAi5qGg4X_cEi5h5U8KqgI_hb2TnTuTsvLyrOobnAQbcfqAEljBjuhGJHbHQ4kMNaFL6Lu-jwPuvrrjk-t2fbzdGBRrvRt3tfVMtuvF7WXy","x-client-SKU":"ID_NETSTANDARD2_0","x-client-ver":""},"$type":"AuthorizeRequestValidationLog"} 2022-01-04 08:16:07.358 -05:00 [ERR] Request validation failed 2022-01-04 08:16:07.358 -05:00 [INF] {"ClientId":null,"ClientName":null,"RedirectUri":null,"AllowedRedirectUris":null,"SubjectId":"51464bf4-f1cb-779d-6252-3a00b739cc3a","ResponseType":null,"ResponseMode":null,"GrantType":null,"RequestedScopes":"","State":null,"UiLocales":null,"Nonce":null,"AuthenticationContextReferenceClasses":null,"DisplayMode":null,"PromptMode":"","MaxAge":null,"LoginHint":null,"SessionId":null,"Raw":{"client_id":"TiberVendor_Swagger_API","redirect_uri":"https://localhost:44350/signin-oidc","response_type":"code id_token","scope":"openid profile role email phone TiberVendor","response_mode":"form_post","nonce":"637768989664581484.OTg4MWU1MzItZmM0MC00ODY2LWEyN2UtNmI0MmVmZmEwMjkwMDA5MGVjN2MtZmVlNy00NmVjLTk0YWMtMjRjODE5M2M3ODJh","state":"CfDJ8H6grzoh7DtIlYlDfmJPrKUej933TsXls_saq_LipbWwjlKOeyNE78Bx2-i7CjfbKZ3lXQ0rrxoZTAtv_I7j5Y0VQu-0xGYXdkQD8grNKGbMIfDKlcEs2PO0DSpgPc7YeG8eEPVHH-8QPuj9UaPTJLE65eegkX5IKxh5J_VTQ5I6ksAmDqNUGwYouhOik74aQKAi5qGg4X_cEi5h5U8KqgI_hb2TnTuTsvLyrOobnAQbcfqAEljBjuhGJHbHQ4kMNaFL6Lu-jwPuvrrjk-t2fbzdGBRrvRt3tfVMtuvF7WXy","x-client-SKU":"ID_NETSTANDARD2_0","x-client-ver":""},"$type":"AuthorizeRequestValidationLog"}

Showing 1 to 10 of 44 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 16, 2025, 11:47