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Activities of "adrianl"

If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:

  • ABP Framework version: v5.3.1
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core


We experienced some problem when using ASP.NET Core's NavigationManager.NavigateTo(). When you call this method and go to other page, the Navigation Menu is not highlighting the right menu when moved to other page:

As you can see on the screenshot, it is expected to show in the navigation menu that it is on the Map menu since in the method it was called like this: "NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/mapmenu/8") but after calling this, the navigation menu wasn't updated


We've already updated our ABP and we're now currently using the version 5.2.1 but we still encounter this problem that when renaming roles, it loses all the permissions checked before renaming the role. I've already tried to relogin but still the issue still persists.

  • ABP Framework version: v5.2.1
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core

If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:

  • ABP Framework version: v5.2.0
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"
    • On the DataGrid, Add property ShowPageSizes = true


We have a requirement to have an option to set the page size according to the selected page size from the item per page on the DataGrid. We set the property "ShowPageSizes = True" on the DataGrid together with inheriting AbpCrudPageBase. But we're having a problem as it won't be able to bind on "PageSize" Property as this is read only property. Is there a way that we could bind the "PageSize" from the selected page size so we could increase the number of data displayed per page? For now it is just currently displaying 10 per page and even if we change the value in the combo box nothing happens. We want to increase the default page size from 10 to 25 also.

We need your help to know how we could implement that kind of approach?


Looks like this was raised already before. But I'm not sure if it is already fixed. We're currently using the version 5.1.4 but we still encounter this problem that when renaming roles, it loses all the permissions checked before renaming the role.


We want to integrate the Text Template with Blazor is there a way that we can add a create Text Template feature on the existing Text Template?

Is there also a way instead of saving the template as a virtual file we can store the template on the database?

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 13, 2025, 06:09