Activities of "ageiter"

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Hi @liangshiwei, thanks for the help with the menu. Your code works. Will you do the same for the official version?

the breadcrumbs and the buttons at the top disappear. But that's another story... I will check it.

Have you found out anything about this yet?

I get the same message... am blocked in continuing to work because the build does not work.

did you try the advanced search?

Yes, thank you for pointing that out. That works correctly, in my opinion setting "All these words" as default would be better than "Any of these words".

The search here in the Support Center could be improved. For example, when searching for an error message, it now searches for every single word by default. Or if I search for something that should contain several words, I have to do it with +. This is sometimes uncomfortable or forgotten.

Hi liangshiwei,

It's simple: use your default project template for Blazor. Open the page Administration -> Text Templates

If you now edit a text template, a new page will open. In the side menu "Text Templates" remains active and you can only return to the overview with the button "Return To Templates". But not via the menu.

If you choose the layout with the TopMenu, however, this is possible exactly as we would like. You click on "Text Templates" in the menu again and get to the overview.

There is also a small unwanted side effect with the TopMenu. If you are on an overview page (e.g. "Users") and click on "Users" in the menu again, the breadcrumbs and the buttons at the top disappear. But that's another story...

Thanks @liangshiwei.

  1. Is your AddressesDataSeedContributor class generated by the suite?

I have the same problem as @a3x.

The test code is generated by the suite (version 7.0.1).

The tip from @christophe.baille has made it better, but at irregular intervals certain tests still fail. Especially when I run all tests. If I then run the failed test separately, then it works.

There is no Footer.razor in a new project.

I agree... maybe he mean the footer for the MVC pages. (Themes/LeptonX/Layouts/...)

Adding "Footer.razor" with the code you shared above has no effect

It worked for me, but the file should not be called "Footer.razor", but e.g. "MyFooter.razor". You have to put it in the folder "Pages".

I have selected in the configuration that the phone number must be verified.

When I change the phone number in the profile and then press "submit", the email address must first be verified again before I can verify the phone number (but I did not change the email address and it was already valid before).

Workaround (but not clear for the normal user): Reload the page, then the verify button appears at the right place.

Since this is a bug, I wish my number questions would not be charged (that's why I posted it on GitHub first).

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