Activities of "ageiter"


Don't the administration pages overwrite this value? If not, then the value for PageLayout.MenuItemName should at least be deleted / set to String.Empty?


Check out my entry here:

I believe I have found the cause of this problem. But I don't have a solution yet.

You can reproduce it like this:

  1. Use an application with TopMenu layout
  2. Select a page from the main menu (not sub menu). This will then be actively displayed in the menu.
  3. Now select a sub menu item from the menu (e.g. Administration -> Settings)
  4. Settings page is loaded, but the previously selected main menu item is still displayed as active (and the sub menu item "Settings" is not active)
  5. Reload the page (F5) and everything is correct

I made a breakpoint in the ActivateCurrentPage() method at point 3 and saw that the PageLayout.MenuItemName there is still the old one ("TerminationList"), so this item is also activated again.

Why does it not contain "Administration" or "SettingManagement"?


Sorry, I didn't realize that this part with the deactivation is not part of your code:


I then wanted to apply the bugfix to the other problem as well, but that didn't work. Another fix needs to be found there.

I hope you can still improve the menu (especially TopMenu, we use this for most applications) so that the following can be done:

  1. deactivate the activated item when leaving the actual page via another way than the menu
  2. reload the page when you click again on an already active item
  3. bug with the display of active items (see other question with the videos)

Check out my entry here:


I don't think you've understood what the error means.

Short and simple: Your menu control does not always update the state of the items correctly. Sometimes already selected menu items are NOT deactivated, even though the user has been on another page for a long time. In this case, several menu items are displayed as active at the same time.

I and others have been pointing out this problem for some time. This is not directly related to my question, but the cause is the same and so we have found the solution with my case.

Are you going to fix this in your code or not?


??? Not a bug ???

I just showed you how to solve a bug in your (!) MainMenuItem and the thanks for that is that I don't even get a refund?


I went through these methods step by step during debugging. And actually everything seems to be correct, for my MenuItem "Terminations" MenuItem.Deactivate() is executed and no other is activated. And yet it remained selected / activated.

Then I added a StateHasChanged() and now it works. So it seems that the menu is not being re-rendered.

I assume that the other menu problems also have something to do with this... it happens again and again that the status of the selection (IsActive) does not work correctly and probably only because it is not re-rendered.

This information should be enough for a fix. Can you refund me the question?


You can try to override the MainMenuItem component

The problem with overriding the ActivateCurrentPage()method is that it is not called when I open the edit page. Otherwise the menu would work correctly. If I am on the edit page and then press F5 for a reload, the menu shows correctly (nothing selected).

The call from the list is made as follows: NavigationManager.NavigateTo($"/termination/{input.Id}");

How can I ensure that ActivateCurrentPage() is also executed?


Yes, I know. I just mentioned the possibility of returning to the upper menu from the breadcrumbs.

Ah ok, but the user will of course click on the menu link... and if nothing happens, that's not so great of course.

You can try to override the MainMenuItem component I'm going to try that out.

In general, the menu still has a few bugs when displaying the active item. Sometimes an item remains selected, although you are already on another item (then 2 are displayed as selected at the same time). I already complained about this problem some time ago and it would be nice if you could make a fix for it.

It would also be useful if the page was reloaded when clicking on an already selected menu item. You said there that this would be included in the official release as a fix, which probably never happened.


On the one hand, I use Blazor and not MVC. And secondly, I'm not talking about the breadcrumbs, but the normal menu. Or how did you mean exactly how I should do it?

I know that it would work if I had an "Edit termination" menu item. But that would make no sense at all to make such a menu entry. Or can I hide it?

There must be a way to remove the selection from the menu. It happens often that pages are shown that are not in the menu...

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