for the question 2 check out =>
@riley.trevillion asks
1 If we wanted to customize the existing Lepton theme to add a new theme (i.e a 'style 8') that allows us to change the colours styles of the navigation menu, controls, menus etc. how can we do this? From what we have seen there appears to be no code in the Angular UI project that allows us to do this, and we are not able to see any of the sourcecode defining the Lepton styles or themes that we can change. 2 Given we are using the Angular UI, the login screen is hosted on the server side. We have not been able to see any sourcecode in the aspnet project that allows us to customise the login screen. Where are the files in the project that define the login screen? How can we customise these?
When you see this error update your EF Core CLI with the below command
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
The solutions and paths are written in this file. If this is corrupted, you can manually fix the json file. Or you can delete it. And add your solutions again.
I'm getting the below error. It seems like the settings file of Suite is broken. How can I fix it. Where's this file?
An error occurred while accessing the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting services. Continuing without the application service provider. Error: Could not parse the JSON file.
I get this error after updating my ABP packages.
The Entity Framework tools version '3.1.3' is older than that of the runtime '5.0.1'.
NuGet.Config must be like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="" value="" />
<add key="BlazoriseMyGet" value="" />
<add key="ABP Commercial NuGet Source" value="***-your-api-key-***/v3/index.json" />
Guys I realized that the below package is used in the Blazor project
Before you publish your project, change this package to the below one
I guess the second one provides more performance, the first one is for development (hot reload, rebuild on change, etc...)
We were using Resource Owner Password
flow. And it's not being used in modern web apps anymore. For more information you can check out or
And this is same for Google. If you want to change your profile pic, you leave from Gmail and do it in Google Account website...
Or Yandex Passport or Microsoft Account etc.. This is how it's done in modern web apps.