Activities of "alper"

thank you @maliming

Because it uses localhost:7011 as the production server address and it's your local development address. you need to make some changes to the production environment.

For instance; SelfUrl, BaseUrl in the appsettings.json file. Also; these database fields => OpenIddictApplications.RedirectUris , OpenIddictApplications.ClientUris , OpenIddictApplications.PostLogoutRedirectUris.

@maliming he's using the MVC template and as he says; the app renders as authorized, but he's not.

Sorry for the late response @mahmut is on it.

when you navigate to the URL, what happens?

I generally agree with you @chauey, but Suite is designed to create pages with the collection tab on the master entity not the child entity. if you want to have both child entity collection, you need to write code for the second page. for instance, you'll first generate a Category entity then a Tag entity (with a Category relationship), and after that add a Tags tab to your Category page. On the other hand, I see that there's a design problem with your solution. I would go with Enum type instead of a Tag entity. Anyway, without knowing all the requirements of your business logic, it's hard to determine the best practice. So you can follow my suggestion above to achieve this problem.

Your feature request thread was auto closed btw.

thanks. I reactivated it.


thanks for the feedback

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