Activities of "alper"

for the migration error; this occurs, if you reference AppUser in another entity. EF Core tries to map IdentityUser and AppUser to the same table (AbpUsers). this is not possible in EF Core...

See the following issue comment, there's an explanation for this case

@sean thank you for the feedback!

hi @sean, what I mean by "basic coding concepts", creating a repository and storing an incremental number in that repository is really not related with the framework.

We are trying to make full working samples to show you basics of the framework as new questions come, we will add more examples. On the other hand, we are not into claiming extra money to answer your questions. We are here to help you

I made a Gist to show you how to create sequential numbers.

When you see it, there's no framework related code.. Creating a domain service is as simple as below :)

public class SequentialNumberManager : DomainService, ISequentialNumberManager

Thanks @sean.alford, It seems like this field requires a permission to fetch users... and only admin users have this permission. we should remove the permission from this end point. I'm creating an issue for that.

Thank you. me, personally not using macOS but we have MACs to test it. Actually the idea to make this application web based is to be used cross-platform. I think the issue is a minor problem.

my bad! I wrote this for another question :) anyway I'll check the MAC issues. I think there's a small problem with the directory seperator. Windows uses "\" and MAC "/" that's why Suite cannot change directory correctly. Should be fixed in the next version.

so this will be added as a new feature in the future releases. there'll be probably a setting in ABP Suite for your entity locations. you can set it to your root directory of the solution so that it'll be included in your source-controller system.

it's not possible to relocate your entities now. but perhaps we'll crate a setting for this, after that, you can put them in your solution root folder.

The questions are really out of ABP context. These are basic coding concepts which you can find many resource on the internet.

ABP Suite is an engine to generate pages according to your solution version. Template are located in your solution. Because templates are based on specific versions. And in newer versions of the Suite, new templates come... So when you update Suite and don't update your solution, then the new Suite cannot find the required template.

If your project is v2.7.0 then use Suite v2.7.0 If you update Suite then update your solution to the same version.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30