Activities of "alper"

To diagnose the problem, there are 2 things to do:

  1. Run the Windows Service in administrator mode and try again

  2. To understand the correct paths, write a new simple console app and run this app as a Windows service. Log the following variables and send me the values. Can you see if the files are there in these paths? (If not, copy access-token.bin and AbpLicense.bin from your computer to the Server's related folders.)


string TokenPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), ".abp", "cli", "access-token.bin");


string LicensePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "AbpLicense.bin");

your problem still exists?

As a summary

  • If you deploy your application as multiple instances, you need a distributed cache, like Redis.
  • If you have multiple applications (like a microservice or distributed solution) that need to share the same cache objects, you need to have a distributed cache, like Redis.
  • ABP's default cache is In-Memory Cache. It is usable only if you have a single application with a single instance running on a single server. Even in that scenario, it's good to use Redis because your cached objects are not erased when the application restarts.

What's Redis?

  • Redis (REmote DIctionary Server). This open-source application provides in-memory caching. It is known for its high-performance capabilities.

  • It’s very fast for reading/writing data. That’s why we use Redis for distributed cache in the following projects

Where is Redis being used in ABP projects?

Why must we use Redis in ABP projects?

You only need to install Redis for the n-tier architecture where Web and HTTP API layers are physically separated. If you work on an n-layered solution with no HTTP API project, then you don't need Redis.

You can see in which cases Redis is pre-required from the documentation page:

What exactly is being cached in Redis?

  • When you see the IDistributedCache interface, it means Redis is required by default. The following modules are already using Redis (some modules are commercial modules):

    • setting-management:SettingManagementStore for setting values.
    • permission-management: PermissionStore for granted permissions.
    • saas:TenantDeletedHandler and TenantStore class
    • cms-kit: UrlShortingPublicAppService class for Shortened URL Caches
    • language-management: DynamicResourceLocalizer class for the Language Text caches
    • file-management: FileDescriptorAppService class for the Download Token Cache.
    • text-template-management: DynamicTemplateDefinitionStore class
    • gdpr: GdprRequestAppService class for Download Token Cache.

Finally, I want you to know that you can replace Redis with any other caching provider like Memcached.


It says Redis is required in the documentation. Why do we need to install Redis for ABP? If we don't install it, what happens?

I think that the timing from GitHub and the ABP release schedule are not aligned. I got an alert from Git Hub about a new pre-release and updated my solution.

I will try again now

@rafael.gonzales, you need to check this page to see if a new version has been published 👉



sorry your email was in the Junk box. we will respond to you via email

Is there any issue with the ABP Angular project that blocks you from using CkEditor? Because it should be working if you follow its documentation

you can close this ticket if it's closed for you.

we reopened this ticket. you can write the recent status of this problem

Your license will be updated in 24 hours prior your purchase. Cache servers need some time to apply this payment

Showing 41 to 50 of 1957 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13