Any available example?
Ok I completle agree about sync by events can you shere some details about that?
I can not uderstand how can it solve the problem. If you look to the on semple ![image]
I case some one need to now the user that create a post on blog module how can you get it? or product name? in the second case you can try to fix using same microservice but in the first. So how you can crate a table with 4 cols id, User Name, Blog Post title, creation data? Consider the option to show on Angualr query and export it on excel.
I agree that each module must be responsable of own data but how can I solve the simplest problem I need to show the own data module with owner user name for example. I think this challange is quite often in a lot of case.
In single DB architecture I can add to EF the same table in that way I can achive the result the only problem/pitfall can be that POCO class must be shared but in 2 different DB arch how can I solve it? I my case if I store data for E-Comm module on MongoDb the only way is store all user data in the collaction for example but if my user update some data (es name or email) I need to brodcast this update to all module that has stored data in place of link it.
I try to understand how can I create a module where I need access data came from another.
Suppose to have a CRM module and E-Comm module. In CRM I create / admin customer on E-Com need to access to that data.
My question is realated to: