Activities of "aqudah81"

Hi Anjali , Thanks for your help , but still not that what I want .

Based on documentation There are 3 verification providers available for 2FA out of the box: 1- Authenticator TOTP(Time-based One-time Password Algorithm) 2- Email Verification 3- SMS Verification

I need only to use Email Verification and SMS Verification . Is there anyway to disabled Authenticator TOTP option ?


Hi Anjali , No I need to use two factor authentication but without Authenticator application . How we can disable or hide Authenticator application option ?


Hello Anjali , Yes I checked this documentation , but what I want is to disable or hide Authenticator TOTP(Time-based One-time Password Algorithm) provider . So When we enable Two factor authentication from host just Email provider will appear .


  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.3
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • ** Auth Server Separated (for Angular)**:
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Hello Support team , How we can disable the authenticator apps(provider) in Two Factor Authentication ? Is there any settings for host to disable it , or do we need to override any service ?


  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.3
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • **Auth Server Separated (for Angular)
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

1- Log in to the system 2- Setup Authenticator app from my account 3- Enable two-factor authentication 4-Log out from the system and log in again 5- Select provider authenticator 6- Navigate to (google or Microsoft authenticator ) 7- Enter the authentication code from the app authenticator into the system, wait until it expires, and then press submit.

Actual result: The system allows the user to enter the expired authentication code and then enter it into the system

Expected result: The system should display an error message stating that the code is invalid or expired

Please can you see this video .

Hi maliming , Sure thing , Please find the link for the [Project ]


Hi , Thanks for your support , but after apply this fix the error was gone but still the **UsersView **table don't return any data Although the two entices mapped to the same table .

Best regards

Hi , The relation is One-to-one with no navigations : protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.Entity<Blog>() .HasOne<BlogHeader>() .WithOne() .HasForeignKey<BlogHeader>(e => e.BlogId) .IsRequired(); }

The two entities mapped to the same table. Also if we change it like this we still have the same error : b.HasOne<IdentityUser>().WithOne().HasForeignKey<IdentityUserView>(e => e.Id);

Please can you check this project after add new Entities Country and CountryView which also mapped to one Table "AppCountries" , you will see that the project work fine (after comment the ModelBuilder configuration for users).

Another important things the "DbMigrator" project also throw the same error when we run it (after uncomment the ModelBuilder configuration for users).

It's seems the issue is with **IdentityUser **class .


Hi liangshiwei , The sample work fine int .Net 7 with EF7 , please find this console application .

Best regards

Hi , I can now reproduce the issue in clean instance for version 7.3.3 . The issue on AbpTestUpgrade733NewDbContext.cs in line 95 : b.ToTable(AbpAuditLoggingDbProperties.DbTablePrefix + "Users", AbpAuditLoggingDbProperties.DbSchema); If we comment this line the error will gone but we can't access IdentityUserView .

I will attach two files . The first one aspnet-core-V6-AbpV-6.0.0 will have the working sample from our code using abp version 6.

The second one aspnet-core-V7-AbpV-7.3.3 will have the working sample from our code using abp version 7.3.3. You can see the error on version 7.3.3 , also on file Index.cshtml.cs you will find a code to get data from **IdentityUser **entity and IdentityUserView

Note: in **IdentityUser **entity and IdentityUserView we want to map these two entities to the same table Users , it's work fine in abp V6 , but we got an error on abp V 7.3.3

Best regards

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 20, 2025, 07:44