Activities of "birliks"


I create a table with ABP Suite CRUD Generator. I have Latitude and Longtitude columns in it as double type. When opening Edit Dialog, these values shown with numericpicker but with 2 decimals as it is default according to Blazorise website ( After updating, it saved to database as 2 decimal points and i am loosing data because of that. My request is to fixing this bug to add Decimals attribute to the numericpicker. Adding decimal point count into the CRUD generator page may be another option (for float and double values). Please see my corrected answer below.

<Validation> <Field> <FieldLabel>@L["Latitude"]</FieldLabel> <NumericPicker TValue="double" Decimals="15" @bind-Value="@EditingLocation.Latitude" Min="LocationConsts.LatitudeMinLength" Max="LocationConsts.LatitudeMaxLength"> <Feedback> <ValidationError /> </Feedback> </NumericPicker> </Field> </Validation>

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on January 02, 2025, 07:06