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Activities of "byersjus"

Many-to-many relationships with "payload" (properties in intermediate/linking tables)

See this, this, and this.

There are many feature requests and question posts regarding the need for Suite to support "payload" data in many-to-many join entities.

While that feature should still be implemented as soon as possible, a useful half-measure would be to expand the new "customizable code" feature that generates partial classes and preserves modifications to the join entities generated by n:n navigation collections in Suite.

That way, we could at least attempt to add additional data fields to join entities without wiping them out on Suite regens.

There seems to be a bug when adding navigation collections (n:n) via Suite. In my case, I'm adding a navigation to a 'Tool' entity from 'ToolAssemblies' and get the following errors:

Edit: I should note this only occurs when using the 'Customizable code' option during crud page generation.

Error CS7036 There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'toolRepository' of 'ToolAssemblyManagerBase.ToolAssemblyManagerBase(IToolAssemblyRepository, IRepository<Tool, Guid>)' ToolAssemblyManager.Extended.cs

Error CS7036 There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'toolRepository' of 'ToolAssembliesAppServiceBase.ToolAssembliesAppServiceBase(IToolAssemblyRepository, ToolAssemblyManager, IDistributedCache<ToolAssemblyExcelDownloadTokenCacheItem, string>, IRepository<Tool, Guid>)' ToolAssembliesAppService.Extended.cs

That fixed it. I'm on 2.3.0-rc.1 now and no need to reload. Thanks.

You're correct, LeptonX is still at 2.2.1, and I receive the message below during abp update:

I was experiencing the issue described in #5157 in 7.2.2.

@maliming mentioned it was fixed in the next version so I updated to 7.3.0-rc.1, but I'm still getting it.

I understand that what I originally asked essentially amounted to a feature request, and I've now seen (and upvoted) the requests for these features in #3052, but what I need today is some direction on moving forward without the features. Is there a sample somewhere of a many-to-many relationship with "payload" added in ABP? I've read the Microsoft Documentation on the subject, but I'm trying to marry that with the ABP Suite workflow and hopefully end up with code that is compatible with how you intend to implement the partial class / "code updater" discussed here.

Maybe point me to the internal feature issue that was created to persist CRUD customizations through regenerations? At least I can try to manually mimic that technique.

Thanks for the response.

I expected to hear suite is not capable because I couldn't find the feature, but I would disagree that this is a special case; in my experience this is a pretty common scenario.

Either way, you suggested using EF's method of implementation instead of Object Extensions. Can you point to an example or documentation?

Using EF's method, is it still possible to use suite to maintain the primary entities (parts and assemblies in my case)? Or, do I have to abandon suite altogether to avoid overwriting changes?

I admit I've found this question asked before (#2811), but I'm asking again hoping something has changed since 5.2.

What is the recommended approach to adding additional properties/columns (beyond two PKs) to a link table created by a many-to-many navigation collection?

I have a pretty simple use case: an entity/table of Parts and an entity/table of Assemblies. The link table defines which parts go to an assembly (bill of materials), but I also need to include how many of each part are in the assembly. The obvious solution is to add a "Quantity" column to the table joining PartId and AssemblyId, but what's not obvious is how to do that via Suite, or via customization that isn't wiped out by a later Suite-initiated code generation.

I understand the availability of Object Extensions to extend objects managed by modules, but as the Object Extensions page points out, this shouldn't be necessary with my own classes.

Are Object Extensions still the recommended approach to this? Can you provide a complete example of using Object Extensions in this application? I honestly find it hard to believe this isn't a standard feature at this point. At the very least, a method is needed to prevent the overwriting of CRUD object customizations when, for example, a new property is added. As it stands now, it seems I have one chance to get an entity perfect in Suite before I customize and can no longer touch it.

Description Abp suite v7.2.0-rc.2 throws the following exception: Could not find the bundle file '/libs/abp/core/abp.css' for the bundle 'Lepton.Global'!

Reproduction Steps abp suite update --version 7.2.0-rc.2 abp suite

Expected behavior abp suite runs

Actual behavior abp suite throws exception and does not load

Regression? 7.1.1 works

Version 7.2.0-rc.2

User Interface Blazor Server

Database Provider EF Core (Default)

Other Very similar to GitHub issue #16303

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 13, 2025, 10:35