Activities of "castcrewit"

Thank You and that was the cause of the issue. There should be a troubleshooting guide for this, the Abp Studio is in Beta and doesn't work at times properly, like migration not getting created. You should put a guide on things to watch out when you create a project for the first time

Yes the database do not exists and when we run any microservice solution it should create the database automatically.

Doesn't this line of code expected to do that :

public override async Task OnPreApplicationInitializationAsync(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
    using var scope = context.ServiceProvider.CreateScope();
    await MigrateDatabase(scope.ServiceProvider);

However we used the Abp Studio to run the Migration as we get the below error

0:20:44.265 	 Information  	 Starting task execution: "Updating the database: IntegrationServices.AdministrationService"20:22:24.503 	 Information  	 CLI command executed. Command: "dotnet ef database update"
 Working directory: "C:\SourceCode\integration-microservices\services\administration\IntegrationServices.AdministrationService" 
 CommandResult { ExitCode: 1, IsSuccess: False, StartTime: 09/17/2024 20:20:44 -07:00, ExitTime: 09/17/2024 20:22:24 -07:00, RunTime: 00:01:40.2136695 }
20:22:24.505 	 Information  	 Failed task execution: "Updating the database: IntegrationServices.AdministrationService"
20:22:24.505 	 Information  	 ERROR: "An error has occured!"
20:22:24.505 	 Information  	 ERROR DETAILS: "Failed to update database in project IntegrationServices.AdministrationService"
20:22:24.505 	 Warning      	 Exception of type 'Volo.Abp.Studio.AbpStudioException' was thrown.
20:22:24.507 	 Warning      	 Code:AbpStudio:EfCoreUpdateDatabaseFailed
20:22:24.507 	 Warning      	 Details:
20:22:24.507 	 Warning      	 ---------- Exception Data ----------
ProjectName = IntegrationServices.AdministrationService

<br> <br> <br>

<br> Then i went ahead and tried toe apply migration like the below

dotnet ef database update --project IntegrationServices.AdministrationService --context AdministrationServiceDbContext

No migrations were applied. The database is already up to date.

When I went to the database this is what I see , only the migration history table gets created when the code is getting built :

I am very confused how things should work, you mentioned run the migrator, where is the migrator project , it doesn't come by default.

We never had such issues while using MySQL, why the process will be any different and if its different what's the correct process. I am doubting it may be to do with the code template or somehwere in the code, have you tried the project i sent you

I need to understand how oAuth works. I am trying to integrate with Okta, so I provided the Client ID and Client Secret and Authority as well and the Scope to be OpenId.

Then I went ahead and added an user into the host which I know exists in my Okta , however when I was adding the user it was asking for a password, so I gave some random password.

Then I went ahead and tried to login with the user and the password which is set in Okta and i was expecting to get through but couldn't.

Can you please explain what to expect out OAuth ?

My Bad, I was able to find by clicking on Manage Host Settings. I will close this ticket once I test it. Thank you for a quick response.

We added this :

using Volo.Abp.Account.Public.Web.Impersonation;
using Volo.Saas.Host;

 public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
    context.Services.Configure<AbpAccountOptions>(options =>
        //For impersonation in Saas module
        options.TenantAdminUserName = "admin";
        options.ImpersonationTenantPermission = SaasHostPermissions.Tenants.Impersonation;

        //For impersonation in Identity module
        options.ImpersonationUserPermission = IdentityPermissions.Users.Impersonation;

Rest all were there . We had to add the dependencies

I will consult the team and post the code here. Waiting for your response from the Angular team.

Also is there an explanation why the code is not there to begin with.

Yes it works when we leave the page..and yes it's an angular code. However the question here is what's the expected behaviour in terms of when there are multiple uses in the tenant should there be a grid to select from like AspnetZero or do someone has to enter the user name.

And what can we do to prevent this pop up.

Thank you in advance for all your help.

Thank You @ahmedtfarukulu. This is the kind of explanation I was looking for and upon reading we cleared the Redis and it solved the problem. I never knew there was any dependency on Redis Cache for Data Seeding as its just a cache so never thought Redis would introduce issues like this. However we were able to solve it and we are now able to access everything.

BUT then we ran across another issue related to Impersonating to a Tenant using Login With this Tenant. We literally scratched our heads as all permissions were set up correctly as well as the Grants. It consistently complained that permission was missing . We then came across this document and tried to implement what's been referred here :

Then we were able to make it work. But the documentation says its enabled by default above 5.0 which is not correct as we had to change the code.

Now we are running into another issue and below is the screenshot which is self explanatory :

Can you please help us identifying or letting us know what needs to be changed. Why its appearing to be a text box, it should rather show a list of users as this tenant has 2 users

@maiiming whats the next steps ? This issue has been opened since 8 days and constant back and forth has been happening but we are unable to come to any conclusive reason. I have already shared the code in the past and bunch of logs. Please escalate this issue to the next level as we are looking for a solution as soon as possible.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13