Activities of "castcrewit"

Its happening to us as well

Can i get some answers to this ?

Someone else had similar issue I am facing a year back :

Please provide a solution so that I can move forward.

Any updates ?

If you are asking me to provide steps , I am assuming you tried and were not able to do it.

To ake sure it has nothing to do with my code changes, I just created a Test Project and added a Test MicroService. Then opened the AbpSuite and added a Entity called Test and added just one property as Name.

Then I clicked on Save and generate and below is the error :

2025-01-03 13:29:38.740 -08:00 [INF] 1/10 - EntityGenerateCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:39.263 -08:00 [INF] Executing ObjectResult, writing value of type 'System.Boolean'.
2025-01-03 13:29:39.263 -08:00 [INF] Executed action Volo.Abp.Suite.Controllers.TemplatesController.CheckOutdatedTemplatesAsync (Volo.Abp.Suite) in 626.0651ms
2025-01-03 13:29:39.263 -08:00 [INF] Executed endpoint 'Volo.Abp.Suite.Controllers.TemplatesController.CheckOutdatedTemplatesAsync (Volo.Abp.Suite)'
2025-01-03 13:29:39.263 -08:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:3000/api/templates/solutions/24deeed0-2228-4e36-9506-c59218094fea/is-templates-outdated - 200 null application/json; charset=utf-8 626.3575ms
2025-01-03 13:29:39.578 -08:00 [INF] 1/10 - EntityGenerateCommand completed.                           | Duration: 833 ms.
2025-01-03 13:29:39.579 -08:00 [INF] 2/10 - RepositoryCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:39.722 -08:00 [INF] 2/10 - RepositoryCommand completed.                               | Duration: 143 ms.
2025-01-03 13:29:39.722 -08:00 [INF] 3/10 - ManagerCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:39.757 -08:00 [INF] 3/10 - ManagerCommand completed.                                  | Duration: 34 ms.
2025-01-03 13:29:39.757 -08:00 [INF] 4/10 - AppServiceCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:42.157 -08:00 [INF] 4/10 - AppServiceCommand completed.                               | Duration: 2399 ms.
2025-01-03 13:29:42.157 -08:00 [INF] 5/10 - ProxyControllerCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:42.206 -08:00 [INF] 5/10 - ProxyControllerCommand completed.                          | Duration: 48 ms.
2025-01-03 13:29:42.206 -08:00 [INF] 6/10 - PermissionCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:42.243 -08:00 [INF] 6/10 - PermissionCommand completed.                               | Duration: 36 ms.
2025-01-03 13:29:42.243 -08:00 [INF] 7/10 - ApplicationObjectMappingCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:42.262 -08:00 [INF] 7/10 - ApplicationObjectMappingCommand completed.                 | Duration: 19 ms.
2025-01-03 13:29:42.262 -08:00 [INF] 8/10 - GenerateProxyCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:42.263 -08:00 [INF] 8/10 - GenerateProxyCommand completed.                            | Duration: 0 ms.
2025-01-03 13:29:42.263 -08:00 [INF] 9/10 - AngularUiGenerateWithSchematicsCommand started...
2025-01-03 13:29:57.927 -08:00 [INF] Running the Angular Schematics command:
node run-schematics.mjs "C:/SourceCode/TestProject/apps/angular/.suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng" g ".suite/schematics/collection.json:entity" app-nolayers-pro TestProject.Test "C:/SourceCode/TestProject/services/test/.suite/entities/Test.json" "C:/SourceCode/TestProject/apps/angular" 
2025-01-03 13:29:59.336 -08:00 [INF] Angular Schematics command failed.
		error = new Error(message);

Error: Command failed with exit code 1: .suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template app-nolayers-pro --target TestProject.Test --source C:/SourceCode/TestProject/services/test/.suite/entities/Test.json
[Project Not Found] A project matching entity solution name or a default project does not exist in your Angular workspace.
    at makeError (C:\SourceCode\TestProject\apps\angular\.suite\schematics\node_modules\execa\lib\error.js:60:11)
    at handlePromise (C:\SourceCode\TestProject\apps\angular\.suite\schematics\node_modules\execa\index.js:118:26)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)
    at async file:///C:/SourceCode/TestProject/apps/angular/.suite/schematics/run-schematics.mjs:6:20 {
  shortMessage: 'Command failed with exit code 1: .suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template app-nolayers-pro --target TestProject.Test --source C:/SourceCode/TestProject/services/test/.suite/entities/Test.json',
  command: '.suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template app-nolayers-pro --target TestProject.Test --source C:/SourceCode/TestProject/services/test/.suite/entities/Test.json',
  escapedCommand: '".suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng" g ".suite/schematics/collection.json:entity" --template app-nolayers-pro --target TestProject.Test --source "C:/SourceCode/TestProject/services/test/.suite/entities/Test.json"',
  exitCode: 1,
  signal: undefined,
  signalDescription: undefined,
  stdout: '',
  stderr: '\x1B[1m\x1B[31m[Project Not Found] A project matching entity solution name or a default project does not exist in your Angular workspace.\x1B[39m\x1B[22m',
  failed: true,
  timedOut: false,
  isCanceled: false,
  killed: false

I am not sure what else can I provide ?

I am using the latest version of everything, Abp Studio, AbpSuite, Abp Io

  • ABP Framework version: v 9.0.2

Everything else works but getting the below error while creating angular code

Error: Command failed with exit code 1: .suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template app-nolayers-pro --target xxxxxxxxxx.Playboard --source C:/SourceCode/xxxxxxxxxx-services/services/Playboard/.suite/entities/Union.json
[Project Not Found] A project matching entity solution name or a default project does not exist in your Angular workspace.
    at makeError (C:\SourceCode\xxxxxxxxxx-services\apps\angular\.suite\schematics\node_modules\execa\lib\error.js:60:11)
    at handlePromise (C:\SourceCode\xxxxxxxxxx-services\apps\angular\.suite\schematics\node_modules\execa\index.js:118:26)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)
    at async file:///C:/SourceCode/xxxxxxxxxx-services/apps/angular/.suite/schematics/run-schematics.mjs:6:20 {
  shortMessage: 'Command failed with exit code 1: .suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template app-nolayers-pro --target xxxxxxxxxx.Playboard --source C:/SourceCode/xxxxxxxxxx-services/services/Playboard/.suite/entities/Union.json',
  command: '.suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng g .suite/schematics/collection.json:entity --template app-nolayers-pro --target xxxxxxxxxx.Playboard --source C:/SourceCode/xxxxxxxxxx-services/services/Playboard/.suite/entities/Union.json',
  escapedCommand: '".suite/schematics/node_modules/.bin/ng" g ".suite/schematics/collection.json:entity" --template app-nolayers-pro --target xxxxxxxxxx.Playboard --source "C:/SourceCode/xxxxxxxxxx-services/services/Playboard/.suite/entities/Union.json"',
  exitCode: 1,
  signal: undefined,
  signalDescription: undefined,
  stdout: '',
  stderr: '\x1B[1m\x1B[31m[Project Not Found] A project matching entity solution name or a default project does not exist in your Angular workspace.\x1B[39m\x1B[22m',
  failed: true,
  timedOut: false,
  isCanceled: false,
  killed: false

I was able to resolve the issue by upating the Helm chart angular-configmap.yaml.

Please update the Helm charts regularly when you change things as these things take a very long time and effort to figure this out.

I was able to set up the Language microsrvices and can access Language men.

However I am unable to see the impersonation menu , Its the Admin Role and I have checked all permission is applied to the role including impersonation.

So where should I start looking into to troubleshoot?

  • ABP Framework version: v9.0
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, )
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

I created a solution with Dynamic Localization OFF that means we create dwithout Language micro service.

We are able to see all menus except impersonation for Tenant user or User and Language.

Earlier Language used to part of the solution without the need of additional micro service.

I am using AutoAPI Controller and trying to implement versioning in Module. No changes in Host/micrsosrvice

The issue I am facing now is I created 2 App Service with the same name however different namespace.

namespace xxxx.Payroll.Project.v1
    public class xxAppService : ApplicationService, IProjectV1AppService
namespace xxxx.Payroll.Project.v2
    public class xxAppService : ApplicationService, IProjectV2AppService

My Preconfigure in.httpapi project looks like this :

 public override void PreConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
     PreConfigure<IMvcBuilder>(mvcBuilder =>

     PreConfigure<AbpAspNetCoreMvcOptions>(options =>
         //2.0 Version
         options.ConventionalControllers.Create(typeof(ProjectApplicationModule).Assembly, opts =>
             opts.TypePredicate = t => t.Namespace == typeof(v2.xxAppService).Namespace;
             opts.ApiVersions.Add(new ApiVersion(2, 0));

         //1.0 Compatibility version
         options.ConventionalControllers.Create(typeof(ProjectApplicationModule).Assembly, opts =>
             opts.TypePredicate = t => t.Namespace == typeof(v1.xxAppService ).Namespace;
             opts.ApiVersions.Add(new ApiVersion(1, 0));


I get the below error duplicate key in th below code :

public void Configure(SwaggerGenOptions options)
    // add a swagger document for each discovered API version
    // note: you might choose to skip or document deprecated API versions differently
    foreach (var description in provider.ApiVersionDescriptions)
        options.SwaggerDoc(description.GroupName, CreateInfoForApiVersion(description));

If i use different Class name everything works fine.

My understanding of the versioning was in Swagger we will be able to see the same endpoints but with an extra property as Version. Am I missing something here ?

I have scouted all articles in versioning from support but couldn't find any answers

  • ABP Framework version: v8.3
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Serve)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

I am building a module and using that module in my microservices.

This module is calling a third party API which required an URL, username and password.

I am able to access the appseetings.json values in modules configured in microservices by this :

 context.Services.AddHttpClient("myttpClient", client =>
     // Set the base address
     client.BaseAddress = new Uri(configuration.GetSection("ThirdPartyUrls:xxxx:BaseUrl").Value);
     // Set default request headers
     client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "ddddd");
         new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
     // Set timeout for requests
     client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(180);
     client.DefaultRequestHeaders.CacheControl = CacheControlHeaderValue.Parse("no-cache");
 // Add the custom HTTP message handler

However I don't like this as it's dependent on the Appsettin.json of module to retrieve the value , rather i would like to use options to pass the value to the modules.

I also have a TokenService in the module which is expecting a usernaem and password to go and get the token from the third party.

So the question is where and how should I write in the module so that I can configure the module in the microservice, something like this :

 Configure<AbpRabbitMqOptions>(options =>
     options.Connections.Default.UserName = configuration["RabbitMQ:Connections:Default:UserName"];
     options.Connections.Default.Password = configuration["RabbitMQ:Connections:Default:Password"];
     options.Connections.Default.HostName = configuration["RabbitMQ:Connections:Default:HostName"];
     options.Connections.Default.Port = 5671;
       options.Connections.Default.VirtualHost = configuration["RabbitMQ:Connections:Default:VirtualHost"];


The gist of the question is how do i write the module so that I can configure that in the microservices.

Showing 1 to 10 of 45 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 20, 2025, 07:44