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Activities of "hakan.uskaner"

It would be great, if you could update your license model information to reflect the use of the microservice template. Within abp suite we can use the microservice template with a team license. with abp studio you are breaking with this approach, like you could see in the picture above.

What is here exactly the current plan for this ?? What will be the difference between abp studio microservice template and the one within abp studio ? What are the benefits besides the use with kubernetes if compard to .net aspire platform

The current Version of abp studio 0.65 is still not usable. i receive for both the Application -Single Layer and Application- Layered the error in the logs of abp studio: 13:40:24.135 Error Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I found the solution:

to fix it i needed to update the values.yml in etc/k8s:

  • i changed at the gateway-web and gateway-web-public the globalConfigurationBaseUrl to https
  • i changed all reRoutes from http to https and the port from 80 to 443

Because all ingresses of the subcharts use "force-ssl-redirect": "true", the above settings are necessary to work on production kubernetes.

ok, i will sent you them per email

Hi, you wrote fix it, but that is what i am asking you ! This is no help ...

I wrote you, that if i restart the appmicro-appzero the NoSql Error "AbpLocalizationResources" disapears..So after restart there is no error in the logs anymore...I dont know how to fix the error with "AbpLocalizationResources" .. Is it an issues with Nosqql ? A timing problem ? Why does this happen ?

In the blazor log is still this error:

PermissionRequirement: SettingManagement.Emailing [07:51:08 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met: PermissionRequirement: AbpIdentity.SettingManagement [07:51:08 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met: PermissionRequirement: AbpAccount.SettingManagement [07:51:08 INF] Authorization failed. These requirements were not met: ........

I dont think that the Blazor Authorization fails because of my appzero microservice. Instead it seem to be a generell problem, i did a test with a new microservice-template (7.0.1) and prepared production microservice.. after deployement to docker desktop it works, but after deployment to production kubernetes it produced the same errors like in my solution !

For the last kubernetes problem i did wait a long time before you could solve it:

https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/3463/Helm-charts-for-533-and-Blazor https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/3872/Abp-V600-Helm-Chart-Issues-and-deployment-errors-500400-during-login

So please check how you could help to solve this...I need your help. And again i would be great to take a detailed look with MS Teams to solve this...

We are preparing a production release for our customers, and now need to wait again till you could help to solve this.. We are losing time, which we need elsewhere..so please give this ticket a higher priority,

Hi Maliming,

i did sent you the logs and infos. If you are available we could make a teams session for further diagnotics.

Hi Malik,

ok, let me kow if you need some more infos. meanwhile i am trying to get it work...

Best Regards

Hi Ensin,

i am using a microservice template, and i did update the app/blazor project to use leptonx. The code you provided for AbpLocalizationOptions is part of the Shared project: AppMicro.Shared.Localization and yes the name of the ressource is AppMicroResource:

So normally i would expect that this should work within the app Blazor project, where the typeof(AppMicroSharedLocalizationModule), is added as dependency:

           new LeptonXThemeStyle(
           "bi bi-circle-fill"));
           new LeptonXThemeStyle(
           "bi bi-circle-fill"));

I did try both. Within the Blazor project i didn't find any AbpLocalizationOptions ..

Hi @ensin,,

one thing is Left. :


I use a microservicetemplate called "AppMicro" and tried as resource AppMicroResource and AppMicroSharedLocalizationModule but this wont work for localization. i have added the "Theme:Red" to en.json and de.json without being noticed.

How can i fix the localization ?

Hi Ensin,

thank you. That fixed it.

It would be great if we just could make a teams meeting, where you can take a direct look at my code. I could invite you, if you want. This problem currently pervents my collegues from getting started with our planned tests. So i need to fix this soon.

the benefit for you could be that i would like to share all changes it did so for on the k8s charts. you could use them to speed up deployment for the new version for kubernetes. i would be happy to share that with you (at least the contain a working blazor part :-)


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