Activities of "improwise"

Is the Microservice Template actually intended to be used and working or is it some kind of preview? When trying to create a simple project using ABP Suite, there are numerous build errors the first time you try to build it. Doing a "dotnet restore" in the solution directory will remove some of it, but instead produce new ones. The entire process seems kind of shaky...


At first when trying to build in VS you get 40 of these

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error NU1105 Unable to find project information for 'M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\MicroserviceTest3\services\product\src\MicroserviceTest3.ProductService.EntityFrameworkCore\MicroserviceTest3.ProductService.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj'. If you are using Visual Studio, this may be because the project is unloaded or not part of the current solution so run a restore from the command-line. Otherwise, the project file may be invalid or missing targets required for restore. MicroserviceTest3.ProductService.HttpApi.Host M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\MicroserviceTest3\services\product\src\MicroserviceTest3.ProductService.HttpApi.Host\MicroserviceTest3.ProductService.HttpApi.Host.csproj 1

After having done "dotnet restore", you instead get 96 of these

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0006 Metadata file 'M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\MicroserviceTest3\services\administration\src\MicroserviceTest3.AdministrationService.Application.Contracts\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\MicroserviceTest3.AdministrationService.Application.Contracts.dll' could not be found MicroserviceTest3.DbMigrator M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\MicroserviceTest3\shared\MicroserviceTest3.DbMigrator\CSC 1 Active

Edit 3:

Seems like you have to do a "dotnet build /graphBuild" in the solution directory first, it seems to sort out the problems.

Mosf of the time - when we have a technical question - we are asked to either send the project source code or create the test version where the problem is reproduced.

The first one is not possible because of commercial nature of the project. The second one is very time consuming and is not possible too.

Yes, our solution is quite complex and we have some custom code on the top of ABP framework. But it would be great, if your support team devoted more time trying to understand the nature of the problem and analyze the fragments of the code shown in the message. Because often the answers are very short and meaningless - so we end up debugging out solution and looking at the downloaded ABP module source codes to resolve the problem ourselves.

Agreed. Would imagine very few non profit / open source project tend to use ABP Commercial.

The problem is that neither is using clever unique naming for their components and thus conflicts with each other. We solved it by removing one of them from global import and just declared it in each component instead. One of the reasons we decided to switch to DevExpress components instead.

You can see the document:

I believe these instructions wont work when using Blazor Server as there is no .Host project as it runs as part of the Blazor project AFAIK.

BTW, you are still recommending Node v12 even though that version has now been depreciated

I have followed all the documentation and the application successfully runs but when I click on the login button i get the following error

I am even using ngrok so the backend is available on the web

System.InvalidOperationException Message=Error loading discovery document: Error connecting to https://<omited> An error occurred while sending the request..

When i go to that URL in browser I do get a response with off the openid-configuration

I recall that I had some similar problems when I by mistake used HTTP instead of HTTPS with Ngrok, but don't remember the details now. Also please note that VS 2022 Preview now has port tunnelling as well, closed beta though so you have to sign up to use it. That said, I recently had a discussion with some of the developers working on that and we agreed that they needed to make some improvements regarding OpenID in particular so might not be the best bet as of now.

Yes, it'll be included in v6.0 and it'll be released very soon.

Quick question, how do we keep track of changes between versions in the ABP Commercial as I would imagine those are never available via GitHub, neither as Issues nor code? By creating a new ABP Suite project I can see that this changes seem to be included now but would like to be able to track changes more in detail. Thanks.

We completed all the configurations in the template and add a section to the documentation about iOS configuration. With the new version, SecureStorage will be used in startup templates.

Great. thanks. Is that expected to make the version 6 release then?


I can reproduce the problem and will create an internal issue to fix it, BTW your ticket was refunded.


This is the last output from ABP Suite you get

Building....: (1/1)M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.Blazor\TEST.Blazor.csproj Executing...: dotnet build M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.Blazor\TEST.Blazor.csproj MSBuild version 17.3.0+92e077650 for .NET Determining projects to restore... Restored M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.Application.Contracts\TEST.Application.Contracts.csproj (in 1,55 sec). Restored M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.HttpApi.Client\TEST.HttpApi.Client.csproj (in 2,1 sec). Restored M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.Blazor\TEST.Blazor.csproj (in 7,44 sec). 1 of 4 projects are up-to-date for restore. TEST.Domain.Shared -> M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.Domain.Shared\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\TEST.Domain.Shared.dll TEST.Application.Contracts -> M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.Application.Contracts\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\TEST.Application.Contracts.dll TEST.HttpApi.Client -> M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.HttpApi.Client\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\TEST.HttpApi.Client.dll TEST.Blazor -> M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.Blazor\bin\Debug\net6.0\TEST.Blazor.dll TEST.Blazor (Blazor output) -> M:\Projects\ASP.NET\ABP\src\TEST\aspnet-core\src\TEST.Blazor\bin\Debug\net6.0\wwwroot

Build succeeded. 0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:13.07


When you create a new project, the ABP suite will build the project, try to restore libs, and create initial migration files. so yes, it will lock the file and take a while(not long)

You need to wait until these steps are finished, then you can open the solution in VS2022 and do anything.

Yes I know, but in this case that never seems to happen. Have not experienced similar problems with previous versions of ABP Suite before version 6 RC3/4,

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30