Activities of ""

Hi Team,

I have applied your suggestion, however it is not working on the deployed site.

Kindly request you to suggest something else to fix this issue.

Hello Team,

Thank you for replying.

I have already tried this, however did not work for me on the deployed site.

another code to fix, but did not work on the deployed site

I have resolved most of the issues, but putting some conditions in service worker.js file as that was not there in default file that was provided by ABP solution, can you please confirm the code that I have written so far, thanks

Hi, Could you please verify if the service worker code below is fine?

self.addEventListener('install', event => event.waitUntil(onInstall(event)));
self.addEventListener('activate', event => event.waitUntil(onActivate(event)));
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => event.respondWith(onFetch(event)));

const cacheNamePrefix = 'offline-cache-';
const cacheName = `${cacheNamePrefix}${self.assetsManifest.version}`;
const offlineAssetsInclude = [/\.dll$/, /\.pdb$/, /\.wasm/, /\.html/, /\.js$/, /\.json$/, /\.css$/, /\.woff$/, /\.png$/, /\.jpe?g$/, /\.gif$/, /\.ico$/, /\.blat$/, /\.dat$/];
const offlineAssetsExclude = [/^service-worker\.js$/];

// Replace with your base path if you are hosting on a subfolder. Ensure there is a trailing '/'.
const base = "/";
const baseUrl = new URL(base, self.origin);
const manifestUrlList = => new URL(asset.url, baseUrl).href);
async function onInstall(event) {'Service worker: Install');
    await onActivate(event);
    // Fetch and cache all matching items from the assets manifest
    const assetsRequests = self.assetsManifest.assets
        .filter(asset => offlineAssetsInclude.some(pattern => pattern.test(asset.url)))
        .filter(asset => !offlineAssetsExclude.some(pattern => pattern.test(asset.url)))
        .map(asset => createRequest(asset));
    assetsRequests.push(new Request(''));
    assetsRequests.push(new Request(''));

    await => cache.addAll(assetsRequests)).catch(error => console.log(`error on add to cache ${error}`));
function createRequest(asset) {
    try {
        return new Request(asset.url, { integrity: asset.hash, cache: 'no-cache' });

    } catch (error) {
        console.error(`Error creating request for ${asset.url} with integrity ${asset.hash}:`, error);
        return new Request(asset.url, { cache: 'no-cache' });
async function onActivate(event) {'Service worker: Activate');

    // Delete unused caches
    const cacheKeys = await caches.keys();
    await Promise.all(cacheKeys
        .filter(key => key.startsWith(cacheNamePrefix) && key !== cacheName)
        .map(key => caches.delete(key)));
async function onFetch(event) {
    let cachedResponse = null;

    if (event.request.method === 'GET') {

        if (((event.request.mode === 'cors') && (event.request.url.includes('/api/abp/application-') ||
            event.request.url.includes('well-known/') ||
            event.request.url.includes('hotreload') ||
            event.request.url.includes('api-definition'))) || (event.request.mode === 'no-cors' && event.request.url.includes('profile-picture-file'))) {
            const cache = await;
            if (!navigator.onLine) {
                cachedResponse = await cache.match(event.request);
                if (!cachedResponse && (event.request.url.includes('?v=') || event.request.url.includes('?_v='))) {
                    cachedResponse = await cache.match(event.request.url.replace(/\?v=.*$/, '').replace(/\?_v=.*$/, ''));
            if (cachedResponse) {
                return cachedResponse;
            else {
                const networkResponse = await fetch(event.request).catch(error => console.log(`error on fetch ${event.request.url} ${error}`));
                if (networkResponse.ok) {
                    cache.put(event.request, networkResponse.clone());
                if (event.request.url.includes('profile-picture-file')) {
                    cache.put(event.request, networkResponse.clone());
                return networkResponse;
        // For all navigation requests, try to serve index.html from cache
        // If you need some URLs to be server-rendered, edit the following check to exclude those URLs
        const shouldServeIndexHtml = event.request.mode === 'navigate'
            && !event.request.url.includes('/Identity/')
            && !event.request.url.includes('/connect/')
            && !event.request.url.includes('/authentication/');

        const request = shouldServeIndexHtml ? 'index.html' : event.request;

        const cache = await;
        cachedResponse = await cache.match(request);
        if (!cachedResponse && (event.request.url.includes('?v=') || event.request.url.includes('?_v='))) {
            cachedResponse = await cache.match(event.request.url.replace(/\?v=.*$/, '').replace(/\?_v=.*$/, ''));

    return cachedResponse || fetch(event.request).catch(error => console.log(`error on fetch ${event.request.url}  ${error}`));
  • ABP Framework version: v8.0.1
  • UI Type: Blazor WASM / Blazor Server
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server,)
  • Tiered (for MVC): Yes
  • Exception message and full stack trace: no exception, redirection from logout to the login is taking time for the deployed site on the Azure platform. While debugging locally, it is working well.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  1. Login in -
  2. Logout
  3. After the Logout, the page redirects to the URL -
  4. Blank Page shows for 2 minutes
  5. Then automatically redirect to the login page -

Solution Applied:


I am also getting 403 error

this issue is resolved.

When i am running my application in offline mode its giving me the following error.

Can you please suggest how I can handle this request in offline mode in blazor webassemby PWA

can you please update me on this ?

I am also getting 403 error

When i am running my application in offline mode its giving me the following error.

Can you please suggest how I can handle this request in offline mode in blazor webassemby PWA

can you please confirm that do we need to do any changes in service worker, or its fine ?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21