Activities of "leeneshk"


Thank you very much, I am going to give this a try and let you know, thank you for your time


Thank you for the clarification, so if I understand your comment correctly, I can add the above components to my project and I should be able to replicate what I would like to do?


Hello, thank you for your response,

So I think we misunderstanding each other,

  1. I want to hide this sidebar if user is not authenticated:

  2. I want to inject my footerComponent into the above sidebar,

Can you perhaps just give me a direction to look for the sidebar or to customize this? I do not want to lose the sidebar which is pre-configured


Hello there,

Thank you for the above, I have used the replaceableComponent for the footer, but I want to move the footer to the <abp-sidebar>

Also I want to hide the <abp-sidebar> if a user is not authenticated, and then display it when a user logs in successfully


Hello, I hope you are doing well

I need some assistance or direction on a few things in regards to the LeptonX theme.

  • I would like to hide the side-bar when a user is not authenticated, and only once they log in, the side-bar displays.
  • I would also like to add our footer to the side-bar instead of using the <abp-footer> tag.

Is this possible on LeptonX Commercial?

We are currently using the commercial ABP Angular project.

Thank you

The document mentioned during the meeting:

Thank you very much for your time Berkan,

I appreciate it, I will keep you posted on the progress, take care

Thank you so much, I am joining now


If it is appropriate, you can send your sample application to with a text like below:

Please forward my mail to Berkan Sasmaz regarding ticket #8789.

Hi Berkan,

Uhm so I have quite a few dependent components which would cause errors, is that fine still?

I would prefer if we could have a call via Zoom or Microsoft teams so that I can take you through everything where the error points are.

Hello @berkansasmaz

I am not getting any luck, still getting the dependency injection errors, even after using the above,

Could I perhaps have a call with you on this?

Thank you very much for the help @berkansasmaz

I will utilize the feedback provided and get things working again :)

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 13, 2025, 04:08