you can change this
Your API definition response is not standardized.
See https://abp.io/support/questions/6319/Angular-Proxy-Generation-Cannot-read-properties-of-null-reading-%27replace%27#answer-3a0f8f60-fd10-54ed-9f29-0169898dcef4
Add MyAbpApiDefinitionController
to Web
[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public class MyAbpApiDefinitionController : AbpApiDefinitionController
public MyAbpApiDefinitionController(IApiDescriptionModelProvider modelProvider) : base(modelProvider)
public override ApplicationApiDescriptionModel Get(ApplicationApiDescriptionModelRequestDto model)
return RemoveNullParameters(base.Get(model));
public ApplicationApiDescriptionModel RemoveNullParameters(ApplicationApiDescriptionModel model)
foreach (var action in
model.Modules.Select(x => x.Value)
.Select(api => api.Controllers).SelectMany(controllerApi => controllerApi.Values)
.SelectMany(controller => controller.Actions.Values))
action.Parameters.RemoveAll(x => x.Type == null && x.TypeSimple == null);
action.ParametersOnMethod.RemoveAll(x => x.Type == null && x.TypeSimple == null);
return model;
Since the problem was resolved, i close this.
but we want to check the authorization, how can we do it?
You need to manually call the API to check it.
Add new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.TenantId, tenantId)
could you please create a new question, thanks.
You can try to check if this issue can be reproduced locally or in other environments.
Sorry, but I can't find anything.
now blazor is the host?
yes, it is. the new Blazor web app mixed Blazor and Host.
if you want , you can use webassembly. abp new BookStore -t app -u blazor