Activities of "liangshiwei"

The cause of the error is not because of the AlertSubEventType entity, I think your code has wrong.

If you want to implement soft delete for AlertSubEventType entity, you should use b.HasIndex(ae => new { ae.EventTypeId, ae.AlertId }).HasFilter("[IsDeleted] != 1"); see

If you can provide a sample project that reproduce this problem, I can quickly help you find the problem.

I do n’t know much about FluentValidation, you can maybe inject repository to validator class and check duplicate entities. But I suggest you Check Duplicate Entities in the domain layer.

I see that you use alertRepository query in SetSubEventsAsync method,I don't know your implementation, I assume it queries from the changes need to be saved.

var currentSubEventNames = await _alertRepository.GetSubEventTypes(alert);

I see that you call the RemoveFromSubEventsAsync method to delete the existing record, but the id value of the current alert entity is 0. I think you should make the following changes:

public virtual async Task<AlertDto> CreateAsync(AlertCreateDto input)
    var newAlert = new Alert()
        Subject = input.Subject,
        FlightRegistrationNumber = input.FlightRegistrationNumber

    var alert = await _alertRepository.InsertAsync(newAlert);

    await UpdateAlertByInput(alert, input);

    await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
    return ObjectMapper.Map<Alert, AlertDto>(alert);

protected virtual async Task UpdateAlertByInput(Alert alert, AlertCreateOrUpdateDtoBase input)
    alert.Subject = input.Subject;
    alert.FlightRegistrationNumber = input.FlightRegistrationNumber;

    if (input.SubEventNames != null)
        await SetSubEventsAsync(alert, input.SubEventNames);

private async Task SetSubEventsAsync([NotNull] Alert alert, [NotNull] IEnumerable<string> subEventNames)
    Check.NotNull(alert, nameof(alert));
    Check.NotNull(subEventNames, nameof(subEventNames));

    if (alert.Id != 0)
        await RemoveFromSubEventsAsync(alert);

    await AddToSubEventsAsync(alert, subEventNames.Distinct());


private async Task<bool> RemoveFromSubEventsAsync(Alert alert)
    Check.NotNull(alert, nameof(alert));


    return true;

private async Task<bool> AddToSubEventsAsync(Alert alert, IEnumerable<string> subEvents)
    Check.NotNull(alert, nameof(alert));
    var enumerable = subEvents as string[] ?? subEvents.ToArray();
    Check.NotNull(enumerable, nameof(subEvents));

    var EventTypesMasterList = await _alertEventTypeRepository.GetListAsync();

    foreach (var subEvent in enumerable)
        var eventType = EventTypesMasterList.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == subEvent);

    return true;

In addition, you configured a soft delete for the AlertSubEventType entity, but the entity uses a combined index, you need to remove soft delete:

 public class AlertSubEventType : Entity
    public long AlertId { get; set; }

    public int EventTypeId { get; set; }

    public AlertSubEventType()

    public AlertSubEventType(long alertId, int eventTypeId)
        AlertId = alertId;
        EventTypeId = eventTypeId;

    public override object[] GetKeys()
        return new object[] {AlertId, EventTypeId};

I tried to use your code, but did not reproduce the problem.

I didn't customize the alert repository for simplicity, After inserting the alert entity, I called the save change method of the unit of work, because the code you provided uses the repository to query the alert entity.


I have reproduced the problem. Abp module needs to add ~ for all static resource reference paths. but this way of referencing resources is currently not supported. Please following Actually I don’t recommend you to use sub-application deployment :)

So , How should I reproduce your problem, can you provide steps?

I mean using the AddSubEvent method of the Alert entity.

private async Task<bool> AddToSubEventsAsync(Alert alert, IEnumerable<string>subEvents)
    Check.NotNull(alert, nameof(alert));
    Check.NotNull(subEvents, nameof(subEvents));

    var EventTypesMasterList = await _alertEventTypeRepository.GetListAsync();

    foreach (var subEvent in subEvents)
        var eventId = EventTypesMasterList.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == subEvent);
        alert.AddSubEvent(eventId);  // This line   
    return true;

Try :

public class OrderDtoValidator:AbstractValidator<SupplierCombinedDto>
        public OrderDtoValidator(IStringLocalizer<MyProjectResource> _localizer)
            RuleFor(x => x.Customer).SetValidator(new CustomerDtoValidator(_localizer));
            RuleFor(x => x.Address).SetValidator(new AddressDtoValidator(_localizer));

Currently community is discussing how to configure foreign keys, Please following:,

Hi, You can add Fluent Validators in the Application project and you can inject IStringLocalizer interface to return localized content .

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13