Activities of "mahmut.gundogdu"

Hi. Lepton X has ThemeService . The service has selectedStyle$ (observable) . You can track the theme changes and value of theme. Then you can inject your style. (and remove your old. we manage styles with StyleService service)

I have couldn't produce abp new Support5284 -t app-pro -u angular -m none -csf

download from GitHub? Could you explain please ?

"After cloning the project form a git repository" ? which branch?

Hi @maliming,
I can't give you access to our project it's against our company policy. I have setup an abp project using Identity server instead of OpenIddict on version 7.2.2 with an Angular UI and Lepton theme same as our project and I was able to reproduce the issue and emailed that to you. Please le me know ince you have download the project so that I can remove it, also note that you will need to install the packages on the angular project because I excluded these to save to reduce the size.

(Actually, @maliming discovered it.) We have fixed. The OAuth library does not redirect to the server side when you give a parameter with the value true. I implemented that in the repository, but there is a temporary fix till the patch released. I have tested it works with lepton and identity-server.

here the code.

1- create a service class and extend from AbpOAuthService and call logout with true as any

  providedIn: 'root',
export class MyAuthService  extends AbpOAuthService {
    return super.logout(true as any);

then provide it in app.module.ts

  // all detail removed for clearity
  providers: [
      provide: AuthService,
      useClass: MyAuthService, // <- your new class
export class AppModule {}```

I tried to add source code of theme shared module which is parent of extension module using

abp add-package @abp/ng.theme.shared -v 7.1.0 --with-source-code

Module does get added but I get build errors `./projects/abc/src/main.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js):Error: Debug error: from D:/Projects/abc/apps/angular/projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/ui-extensions.module.ts), but not a .d.ts file

./projects/abc/src/polyfills.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js): Error: Debug error: from D:/Projects/abc/apps/angular/projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/ui-extensions.module.ts), but not a .d.ts file

Error: projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/components/grid-actions/grid-actions.component.ts:27:21 - error TS2612: Property 'index' will overwrite the base property in 'AbstractActionsComponent<EntityActionList

27 @Input() readonly index?: number; ~~~~~

Error: projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/directives/prop-data.directive.ts:25:32 - error TS2612: Property 'index' will overwrite the base property in 'PropData<InferredData

25 @Input('abpPropDataAtIndex') index?: number; ~~~~~

Error: projects/abp-ng.theme.shared/extensions/src/lib/models/form-props.ts:70:12 - error TS2612: Property 'template' will overwrite the base property in 'Prop

70 readonly template?: Type

Please advice how to approach this problem. This issue is currently blocking my work , and I will appreciate if you can provide some solution. And I am using Commercial subscription with business account so I will be using source code of commercial module. which I already have.

I have got the same error, and I couldn't fix yet. We have planned, add replace key for "replacable-system-table" componant in 7.4 (probably). until then I can found a workaround.

I have created app . execute abp add-package @abp/ng.theme.shared -v 7.1.0 --with-source-code (it have added source code and mutate angular.json). then go to typescript.json. change path

"@abp/ng.theme.shared": [ "dist/packages/theme-shared/", ], "@abp/ng.theme.shared/extensions": [ "dist/packages/theme-shared/extensions/", ] then run ng build abp-ng.theme.shared the code will compile the code. Finally yarn start your app will work compiled local source code.
it is just a workaround. I am looking the main reason that why it doesn't work.


I can see that you have "@abp/ng.theme.shared": "~5.1.3", - the latest version would be 7.2.2 according to this here.

May it be that you upgraded from Angular 13 to 15?

Please try running abp update --npm -v 7.2.2 in your solution directory to ensure that all npm packages have the latest version available. There may be more packages which do not have the latest version - which may lead to the issue you experience.

Apart from that, maybe this StackOverflow Issue may be relevant to you.

If that does not help, I would need to look at the source code. Can you please try and inform me about the result?

Kind regards Jack

I want to make sure. you downloaded the source code of lepton in your project. isn't it?

1- Angular changes css loading features. So we must add CSS to angular.json since 7.0. Could you check migration guide and apply them ? 2- setTokenResponseToStorage removed. you should update your source code.

latest security code service is different. It uses the OAuth service.

 import { LoginParams, PipeToLoginFn, PIPE_TO_LOGIN_FN_KEY, noop, AuthService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { ToasterService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';
import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { throwError, from } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';

export interface SecurityCodeData extends LoginParams {
  userId: string;
  twoFactorToken: string;

export class SecurityCodeService {
  data: SecurityCodeData;
  private pipeToLogin?: PipeToLoginFn;
  private authService: AuthService;

  constructor(private injector: Injector, private toaster: ToasterService) {
    this.pipeToLogin = this.injector.get(PIPE_TO_LOGIN_FN_KEY);
    this.authService = this.injector.get(AuthService);

  login(twoFactor: { provider: string; code: string }) {
    const { username, password } =;

    const grantType = 'password';
    let params = {
      UserName: username,
      Password: password,
      TwoFactorProvider: twoFactor.provider,
      TwoFactorCode: twoFactor.code,

    const result = this.authService.loginUsingGrant(grantType, params);

    return from(result).pipe(
      this.pipeToLogin &&
          { redirectUrl:, rememberMe: },
      catchError(err => {
          err.error?.error_description ||
            err.error?.error.message ||
          { life: 7000 },
        return throwError(err);

My suggestion is remove the copied source code (temporarly). When you build the project without source code. Then add source code back (newest versions) and apply the changes. So there are many changes in account and theme projects from 5.x to 7.x

This is critical for our application as I am trying to replace exiting pages UI to be consistent with design. and default ngx-datatable is not going to work with it.

by default we don't provide replaceable key for extensible table. You can dowload the source code and add the project as local reference. I have a add source code feature, I have asked my teammate. How the user add package from open source sides. I will send answer next business day.

Hi mahmut Do you have any update or suggestions for us to implement.

it will fixed in ABP V7.4. For a now there is no quick fix/solution.

Hi @mahmut.gundogdu,

that is strange can you please send us a sample of the environment.ts file that was used to compare with our one?

also please send us the db logs for identity server tables for the redirect/post-redirect link configuration.

I'm also assuming that the solution uses Identity server instead of openiddict?

Oh, also we are not using the new LeptonX theme yet.

  1. sure. You can create DemoApp with cli (a demo applications don't affect your credit). My Env

I will try with identity-server. I guess,You don't have to set redirect link. just comment the response code. it should works. isn't it @maliming?

Hi @maliming, thanks hopefully we can get some feedback today. I have created app (7.2.2). Remove responseCode ine environment.ts

I couldn't produce

Thank you for bringing up the performance improvement concern. I have created a task for our team to address and discuss potential strategies for enhancing the performance as per your suggestion. Rest assured, we value your input and will keep you informed about any progress made in this regard.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30