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Activities of "mrall"


according to the docs of IHtmlLocalizer and IStringLocalizer, the opposite is true, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/localization?view=aspnetcore-5.0

"Use the IHtmlLocalizer implementation for resources that contain HTML. IHtmlLocalizer HTML encodes arguments that are formatted in the resource string, but doesn't HTML encode the resource string itself."

I tried your suggestion but that didn't solve my problem.

The point is, that within Razor-Pages Text ouputted with the "@"-Operator always gets HTML-Encoded, so the solution to my problem was using "@Html.Raw(...)"


That did the trick.


after changing to MailKit (https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/MailKit) as you suggested everything works fine - maybe you should check your default EMailSender.

Well, just create a new empty Application with abp suite (MVC, EF Core, not tiered), setup correct email settings, run in release mode and try to register -> results in permission denied-errors (and btw, the frontend stays in loading instead of displaying the error message).

The user is created in the Database, but no confirmation-mail is sent and automatic login is not working.

When trying to login with the new user the login/verify-email page is shown (which is correct), but clicking on "verify" again has no effect.

2021-09-08 09:36:06.036 +02:00 [INF] Executing endpoint 'Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController.SendEmailConfirmationTokenAsync (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi)' 2021-09-08 09:36:06.039 +02:00 [INF] Route matched with {area = "account", action = "SendEmailConfirmationToken", controller = "Account", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature System.Threading.Tasks.Task SendEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(Volo.Abp.Account.SendEmailConfirmationTokenDto) on controller Volo.Abp.Account.AccountController (Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.HttpApi).

nothing happens after this line ....

after changing the problem reported in #1666 it works...

it seems that I need to create the migrations for new module-entities manually with "add-migration..." - is that right ?

ok, I guess the main reason was that within my module the name of the connection-string setting pointed to a settings that doesn't exist (I didn't create it). I changed it to "Default" to use the same DB as my application and the Migrations were created.

ok, I found that the UI is generated, I missed the point that my User had no Access-Rights, so the menu was not shown


What's version of your ABP(cli and suite)?

both v4.4.0

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 12, 2025, 05:21