There are a lot of warnings that can be included in the next RC. There are related to the IConfiguration interface.
For example, in OpenIddictDataSeedContributor.cs
Line 86: var webClientRootUrl = configurationSection["Demo74rc1_Web:RootUrl"].EnsureEndsWith('/');
Line 206: var blazorServerTieredRootUrl = configurationSection["Demo74rc1_BlazorServerTiered:RootUrl"].EnsureEndsWith('/');
Line 250:var webPublicRootUrl = configurationSection["Demo74rc1_Web_Public:RootUrl"].EnsureEndsWith('/');
Line 274: var webPublicTieredRootUrl = configurationSection["Demo74rc1_Web_Public_Tiered:RootUrl"].EnsureEndsWith('/');
To avoid those warnings, you include a null-forgiving operator(!) for the configurationSection variable.
Hi, The link is not working
It would be helpful to enable the "nullable" field in the column generator for all the types since Nullable projects are the default now. Right now ABP Suite generates nullable strings as only "string" in Nullable projects and It's causing to generate errors/warnings when creating those.
In the language key "DropPaste", there is a hardcoded tag "{browse}" that it's been used to translate to a hyperlink that helps select files in the computer.
But in the Spanish language, the "{browse}" tag is wrongly translated to "{navegar}" and that it's causing to break the hyperlink functionality
Instead of the hyperlink as shown here.
A workaround to solve this is to modify the translation for the Spanish language and replace "{navegar}" back to "{browse}".
This happens in these two keys. "DropPasteImport": "Suelta los archivos aquí, pégalos, %{navegar} o impórtalos desde", "DropPaste": "Suelta los archivos aquí, pégalos o %{navegar}",
Added another bug found in lepton X version 2.3.0-rc.3
If you navigate to https://localhost:44344/Identity/Roles
You get the following error in the console
I figure it out that it's caused here.
If I modify
ProfileImageUrl = $"api/account/profile-picture-file/{CurrentUser.Id}",
for this
ProfileImageUrl = $"/api/account/profile-picture-file/{CurrentUser.Id}",
It solves the issue.
I am trying the new version 7.3.0.
The new login design is not fully responsive in a desktop application. When I tried to login, the button is half-cut and the scrollbar is deactivated.
I attached a video to describe the issue.
There are also some Console Errors showing up like a missing SVG file and a missing file
The new version (v7.3.0) is still using the LeptonX theme version 2.3.0--rc.3. When the final version of v2.3.0 is going to be released?
The modules generated from ABP Suite comes by default with
but the Entities generated with ABP Suite don't follow the Nullable configuration.
Properties are still mapped with
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
instead of
public string? MyProperty { get; set; }
Or method with the following structure
Task<List<DemoModel>> GetListAsync(
string filterText = null,
string code = null,
string name = null,
string sorting = null,
int maxResultCount = int.MaxValue,
int skipCount = 0,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default
This is causing more than 100+ warnings in the compiler because it's not following the Nullable configuration and it requires a lot of code change in the templates of Abp Suite to solve all those warnings.
Is there a chance to disable by default the <Nulllable> Configuration when creating a module or could you please provide us a template for the AbpSuite with this fixes?
I am also interested in this. I had to do it manually by changing LeptonX source code but didn't know there was an implementation to do it in code.
Hi, It would be great to only have one support website (free and commercial) to bug report issues and problems. It will help a lot to search for answers already solved for someone else. Also, it would be great to be opened to the community so anyone can answer your questions. You can add a "Private" feature where you can submit a private issue where you can discount the number of premium support tickets that we have assigned based on our license. You can also add the privilage to request a premium support but keep it open for the community too. It will help to increase the interaction between users and growth the community.
ABP Framework version: v7.2.2
UI type: MVC
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Create a MVC non tiered application using EntityFramework Core with PostgreSQL
Create a new Module using ABP Suite (Check on add to the solution feature)
Confirm that there is no localization in Displayname in the following path
It should contain a variable with the Localization feature like the following image.
If this is not added. It will not use the "Menu:DemoModule" localization strings in any of the JSON files for the different languages.