nvm...because of angular 18 new build process. fyi: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37348045/change-the-dist-folder-path-in-angular-cli-after-ng-build
Hello Sumeyye, we don't have plan on using Angular Material components. We want to use out-of-box components from ABP framework, and this component injection for Modal windows is important for building the front-end application. I would like your team to consider on adding this feature into your roadmap. Thanks.
Thanks for the advice. Is that possible ABP can include this type of feature by default?
I believe this can benefit all users. Also, angular material UI uses the same practice. (https://material.angular.io/components/dialog/api)
Hello Anjali,
Thanks for the answer.
Thanks Liang. Works now, forgot the directive thing, lol.
FYI, I am doing stand-alone components so I need import all of them separately.
standalone: true, imports: [NgxDatatableModule, NgxDatatableListDirective, NgxDatatableDefaultDirective],
I would love to see next ABP Angular template fully leveraging on stand-alone, no zone.js, and Signals.
Got it. Thanks.
Thanks Liang! I will add into my bookmark.
Seems like ABP is using two different data table libraries: https://swimlane.gitbook.io/ngx-datatable and https://datatables.net
What's the direction on this? Do we know if ABP is going to consolidate this?
Still no lucky... I copied all your code.
This if statement always returns false on this logic: subpath.Contains(BundlingOptions.Value.BundleFolderName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) <-- I tired in both debug and release builds.
if (!subpath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && fileInfo is NotFoundFileInfo &&
subpath.Contains(BundlingOptions.Value.BundleFolderName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var filePath = NormalizePath(subpath);
var cacheItem = Cache.Get(filePath);
if (cacheItem == null)
return fileInfo;
fileInfo = new InMemoryFileInfo(filePath, cacheItem.FileContent, cacheItem.Name);
DynamicFiles.AddOrUpdate(filePath, fileInfo, (key, value) => fileInfo);
Hello Ming, I tried this way, but I don't see any cache created in redis.
I put a break point in this function but never called.
public void AddOrUpdate(IFileInfo fileInfo)
var filePath = fileInfo.GetVirtualOrPhysicalPathOrNull();
Cache.GetOrAdd(filePath!, () => new InMemoryFileInfoCacheItem(filePath!, fileInfo.ReadBytes(), fileInfo.Name));
DynamicFiles.AddOrUpdate(filePath!, fileInfo, (key, value) => fileInfo);
However, this function get called constantly during the loading time
public override IFileInfo GetFileInfo(string? subpath)
I even did this to replace everything
[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
[ExposeServices(typeof(CachedDynamicFileProvider), typeof(DynamicFileProvider), typeof(IDynamicFileProvider))]
public class CachedDynamicFileProvider : DictionaryBasedFileProvider, IDynamicFileProvider, ISingletonDependency