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Activities of "william@iwell.nl"

Thank you, adding the lines fixed it.

var buildInGrantTypes = new[] {
    OpenIddictConstants.GrantTypes.Implicit, OpenIddictConstants.GrantTypes.Password,
    OpenIddictConstants.GrantTypes.AuthorizationCode,          OpenIddictConstants.GrantTypes.ClientCredentials,
    OpenIddictConstants.GrantTypes.DeviceCode, OpenIddictConstants.GrantTypes.RefreshToken

if (!buildInGrantTypes.Contains(grantType))
    application.Permissions.Add(OpenIddictConstants.Permissions.Prefixes.GrantType + grantType);

Thank you, alper!

Thanks, that works. Added it like this.

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
               .Filter.ByExcluding(logEvent => logEvent.MessageTemplate.Text.StartsWith("An error occurred using the connection to database"))

Thanks, the adding the filter indeed removes two of the three log entries.

There is just one entry left, see below. Any idea how to suppress/filter that one?

[16:46:01 ERR] An error occurred using the connection to database 'portal-test' on server '.'.

Thanks, adding the filter will remove the [15:48:35 ERR] A task was canceled. System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled. line.

However 3 other lines are still there. Any suggestion how to suppress/filter those?

[16:46:01 ERR] An error occurred using the connection to database 'portal-test' on server '.'. [16:46:01 ERR] ---------- RemoteServiceErrorInfo ---------- { "code": null, "message": "An internal error occurred during your request!", "details": null, "data": {}, "validationErrors": null }

[16:46:01 ERR] HTTP GET /api/app/cubes?skipCount=0&maxResultCount=20 responded 500 in 1303.3537 ms

Hi Anjali,

does it contain functionality to connect a google login after account creation? can you explain it with the scenario i am not able understand.

for example when we create user accounts, it would be convenient to have the following steps:

  1. as admin you create a user and set it's roles and organizational units
  2. as user you get an email, activate your account and login
  3. as user you want to use 2FA via google, and want to connect that to your account. So you can use that for future logins.

Step 3 is, as far as I know, not possible at the moment? Note: we use the commercial packages.

Hi Anjali,

thanks for the quick response. Using a default role helps, newly created users will see something. This resolves the 'remove cookies' step.

However, I'm still figuring out how to bypass the enable self registration step. We use the ABP commercial package which seem to handle all user management and registration. I could not find the pages/account folder to put the register.cshtm file in. Is there a way to modify this behaviour?

Another question with regards to the ABP commercial package: does it contain functionality to connect a google login after account creation?

Thank you!

Thanks, your hint made me digging through the logs, and I see more 400 requests. For example after a DependencyResolutionException which happen during a deployment. So if I understand correctly, exceptions like AntiForgery and DependencyResolutionException are returned with statuscode 400?

This behaviour is unwanted for certain endpoints. For example a webhook, called from Azure event grid, to push messages. When event grid receives a 400, it won't retry the message. At a 500 it does.

Can this be disabled for certain endpoints, or do you have a suggestion how to solve this otherwise?

2022-07-05T09:35:48.145810880Z [09:35:48 ERR] The required antiforgery cookie ".AspNetCore.Antiforgery.nixphHDAMN4" is not present.

After removing the cookies from postman, the request returned as excepted. I'm not sure why these cookies are there, maybe after a unauthorised request?

hi, thanks for the quick reply.

That makes sense, I found the code and removed app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();

However, I still get the a 500 with json. This is what I except, as an exception is thrown. However, what I don't understand is why on production a 400 with html is returned. This should also be a 500 with json, isn't it? I'm not aware of specific code to change this for production.

Showing 1 to 10 of 20 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40