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ABP Suite feature request — 2024 #6529

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alper created
Support Team Director

What feature would you like to see in ABP Suite in the new version?

For 2025 feature requests, please check this thread ->

72 Answer(s)
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    rushas created

    ​I love the DB table import in ABP suite. But, when importing DB views, extensive code changes are needed for read-only pages. Any plans to support importing read-only DB views in ABP suite?

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    0 created

    I could see a lot of value in a custom tuned coding LLM that is trained on the ABP.IO code base best practices to have a custom chat in Studio that help with how to accomplish development tasks in ABP.IO and do code generation.

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    D2D created

    Is there a way to customize and create brand new generators, for example extending Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplates.
    For example I need to create a Blazor where master-detail data should be on a separate page with a behaviour similar to your EasyCRM samples.
    This for a Team subscriber.

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    ageiter created

    I wish that you could also select the base class for the child entities (not root classes, of course, but the other three). Specifically, I would have liked to set the child to "FullAuditedEntity".

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    I would like the advanced filter to be generated optionally (for all UI types)

    Thank you

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    I would like the advanced filter to be generated optionally (for all UI types)

    Thank you

    I'm happy to announce that we are going to support that with v8.1 🎉

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    cellero created

    I would like to see the Delete function in the Application layer to be treated the same as the Update and Insert by using the Domain Manager instead of the calling the repository directly.

    It seems inconsistent and there is often logic to implement on a Delete. It would be nice to have it all in the once place - I.e Domain + Manager.

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    0 created

    At master-child creation I would like to set add and update migrations instead of suite tries to do it immediately.

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    ageiter created

    The option to make several navigation properties to the same entity.

    Classic example: You have a table/entity for dropdown items and want to reference it several times, but with different property names (color, category, gender, ...).

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    At master-child cretion I would like to set add and update migrations instead of suite tries to do it immediately.

    We made an enhancement and from now on the child entity will respect the selection of the master entity and will create a new migration if it's enabled for the master entity, otherwise, it won't create a new migration and apply it.

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    1 created

    Will abp suite support child's child entity? If not while creating a child entity, child entities shouldn't be selectable at master entity selection dropdown.

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    0 created

    What about this issue?

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Will abp suite support child's child entity? If not while creating a child entity, child entities shouldn't be selectable at master entity selection dropdown.

    Currently, we are not considering supporting it.

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    0 created

    Will abp suite support child's child entity? If not while creating a child entity, child entities shouldn't be selectable at master entity selection dropdown.

    Currently, we are not considering supporting it.

    But i can be able to select a child entity as a master of another entity. So suite cannot be able to handle it. In this case while creating a child entity, child entities shouldn't be selectable at master entity selection dropdown.

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    4 created

    It would be great if pages also had "Excel Import" feature like Excel export.

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    dhill created

    From the last youtube podcast these are the most important features to us.

    Bind to User Entities in ABP Suite Most important
    PDF export support Very important
    File/Image as a property type Uploads of multiple files on a record

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    ageiter created

    I would like to be able to add a prefix to the localized string resources for each entity (as with the "Menu:Dashboard" menu). For example like this: "Entity:Customer:Name".

    On the one hand, it would be better sorted in the resource file and the even more important argument: you can set different strings for properties with the same name (e.g. name, description, ... occur frequently, in one place you might want to write "Desc.", in another place "Description").

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    marcandre.roy created
    • Add support of Chat Module for MAUI Blazor Hybrid mobile application type. This doesn't seems to be possible nor supported right now unless writing it from the ground up ourself, at least I couldn't found any implementation of it for MAUI Blazor Hybrid.

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    ageiter created

    The option to open the edit popup in the grids by double-clicking on a row. I implement this myself, but of course it would be nice if it were already included when generating.



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    jaykishan created

    Navigation Property:
    Current Behaviour: Only string properties are allowed!, UI pick type: 3 options
    New Behaviour: for non-string properties can we have 4th option for UI pick type: None and display property hidden.

    I am not sure if it will be useful for general purpose or not.

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Navigation Property:
    Current Behaviour: Only string properties are allowed!, UI pick type: 3 options
    New Behaviour: for non-string properties can we have 4th option for UI pick type: None and display property hidden.

    I am not sure if it will be useful for general purpose or not.

    We have an internal issue for allowing adding navigation property without a string display property and we aim to implement it with v8.2.

  • User Avatar
    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    From the last youtube podcast these are the most important features to us.

    Bind to User Entities in ABP Suite Most important

    We have implemented this one and it will be available with v8.1.

    PDF export support Very important
    File/Image as a property type Uploads of multiple files on a record

    For these two features, we have open internal issues but haven't prioritized them yet. File/Image as a property type feature might be implemented and released with v8.2.

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    Would be nice to be able to download all the templates in Abp Suite without having to modify each one manually to retrieve it, this would help to notice the differences in the templates in newer versions.

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    roberto.fiocchi created

    A couple of suggestions for abp suite:

    1. When a string attribute in a entity has "Required" checked but "Allow empty string" unchecked the generated code for the entity has the wrong check in the entity's contructor:
      It uses "Check.NotNull" that will still allow empty strings to pass even tho we dont want them
      In the Manager this is already correct since it uses "Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace" which will not allow empty strings

    2. Make it so that abp suite still works when not connected to a network, it failes to get login-info and it wont start

    3. Abp suite as of now doesn't allow a string attribute to have the same minimum length and maximum length, it would be useful to have this feature since some attribute might have a fixed length.

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    D2D created

    I think that Suite should have a way to order navigation properties together with other properties to show them in a particular order in datatable columns (in MVC for example) as well as have the way to remove them from the "list view" as other members.
    Now we can order and change visibility only for direct members.

    This could help if we wanna to regenerate files without breaking them.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on March 25, 2025, 11:10