Activities of "berkansasmaz"

Hi 👋 , sorry for the late reply.

I tried to reproduce the problem but could not reproduce it. Here are my steps.

  1. Install the ABP CLI with version 6.0.1. a. dotnet tool uninstall Volo.Abp.Cli -g b. dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli --version 6.0.1
  2. Install ABP Suite with abp suite install command.
  3. Download the MVC template (included on the public website) with Suite.
  4. In the ConfigureServices method of the **.Web.Public project, set the NewsletterOptions as follows:
        Configure<NewsletterOptions>(options =>
                new NewsletterPreferenceDefinition(
                    new LocalizableString(typeof(NewslatterCheckResource), "TestDisplayName"),
                    new LocalizableString(typeof(NewslatterCheckResource), "JoinOurTestNewsletter"),
                    new LocalizableString(typeof(NewslatterCheckResource), "TestPrivacyPolicyConfirmation")

5-) Add the NewsletterViewComponent to a page in the **.Web.Public project as below:

@await Component.InvokeAsync(
        preference = "Test",
        source = "Footer",
        requestAdditionalPreferencesLater = false


Is there anything I missed?

If it doesn't work when you do these steps. Please let me know.

You can override EmailConfirmationLink.tpl for email confirmation.

Full path: Volo.AbpIo.Account.Application/Volo/Abp/Account/Emailing/Templates/EmailConfirmationLink.tpl

Change PhoneConfirmationSms localization value for phone number confirmation.

If an exception implements the IUserFriendlyException interface, then ABP does not change it's Message and Details properties and directly send it to the client.

You can use UserFriendlyException for this. For more information, I recommend you look here.


I believe you will find the answer you are looking for here. See:



Definitely! 🥳🥳


We don't think about it anytime soon due to some compromises. But, if we find a method that scales better, we will do it.

If you want to implement something like this yourself, you can take inspiration from this article.

Hi, I see your question is the same as the question here. If not, please let me know.

Since Maliming explained the situation quite clearly, I believe you will solve the problem if we are talking about the same question.

Duplicate of

Hello, I don't think this question is related to ABP but still, there is some information I want to share with you ✌️

Firstly being wondering if this reduces resources utilization since my iis cpu and ram usage is high.

Unfortunately, I don't know much about the ISS.

Seems every time I run the project, a new recurring job is created , how can I avoid this ?

Hangfire methods allow calling with a delay. For instance:

    () => Console.WriteLine("Hello, world"),

See more:

Hi, this issue doesn't seem to be related to ABP but you should be able to do it similar to the code below.

 PreConfigure<OpenIddictServerBuilder>(builder =>
           ... // In production, it is recommended to use two RSA certificates, one for encryption, one for signing.
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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30