Activities of "bmulinari"

Hi there. I see that 8.3.3 is out, but I couldn't find a mention of this in the release notes. Could you please confirm whether this issue was fixed in this release?

  • ABP Framework version: v8.3.2
  • UI Type: Blazor Server
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)

Hi there! I'm new to ABP and I wanted to ask for advice on what would be the best approach for consuming our API back-end in a Windows Forms app. This app will run on multiple clients but all will be accessing the same API endpoint in our multi-tenant solution.

As far as I could gather, my options are:

  • Dynamic C# API Client Proxies
  • Static C# API Client Proxies
  • HttpClient with IIdentityModelAuthenticationService for authentication
  • HttpClient with IdentityModel for OIDC discovery and authentication

Which one do you suggest that would fit my scenario the best? Due to my multi-tenant solution, in all of the approaches above I would need to manually specify the current tenant, is that correct?

Thank you. Just a feedback: while your workaround prevents the exception from throwing, the layout is sometimes broken as shown below:

Thank you. Are there any workarounds we could use for fixing this issue until we wait for the next release?

I sent you an email.


  • ABP Framework version: v8.3.2
  • UI Type: Blazor Server
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • [16:42:28 ERR] Unhandled exception in circuit 'KGhlNtd6BxqzxILhhuZShTmKcJAZivA0bBCtrDKhcKU'. System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.MainHeader.MainHeader.i2Wswldy3T() at Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.MainHeader.MainHeader.OnAfterRenderAsync(Boolean firstRender) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  • Run the blazor server host and refresh the page a few times, the error seems to occur at random about 50% of the times (possible race condition?). The error can be seen in the browser console and in the app console.

This issue seems to be the same as reported in this issue in GitHub, but I couldn't find a solution (I also asked there).

Hi, just an update. After a lot of debugging, I figured out that this happens when the app can't reach the API and it simply crashes upon startup if that's the case. From what I could tell, it's trying to call the API for localization purposes.

This is not ideal for my scenario, as I want the API address to be configured by the app user and saved in local storage. So in summary, I can't have the app hitting the API upon startup and crashing if it can't reach it. Ideally, the API should only be first called when the app user tries to log in.

What would be the best approach in this case?

  • ABP Framework version: 8.1.2
  • UI Type: MAUI
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Tiered
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  Message=An exception was thrown while activating AbpTest.Maui.App.
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Middleware.ActivatorErrorHandlingMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action`1 next)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Pipeline.ResolvePipelineBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<BuildPipeline>b__1(ResolveRequestContext context)
   at Autofac.Core.Pipeline.ResolvePipeline.Invoke(ResolveRequestContext context)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Middleware.RegistrationPipelineInvokeMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action`1 next)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Pipeline.ResolvePipelineBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<BuildPipeline>b__1(ResolveRequestContext context)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Middleware.SharingMiddleware.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<Execute>b__0()
   at Autofac.Core.Lifetime.LifetimeScope.CreateSharedInstance(Guid id, Func`1 creator)
   at Autofac.Core.Lifetime.LifetimeScope.CreateSharedInstance(Guid primaryId, Nullable`1 qualifyingId, Func`1 creator)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Middleware.SharingMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action`1 next)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Pipeline.ResolvePipelineBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<BuildPipeline>b__1(ResolveRequestContext context)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Middleware.ScopeSelectionMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action`1 next)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Pipeline.ResolvePipelineBuilder.&lt;&gt;c__DisplayClass14_0.&lt;BuildPipeline&gt;b__1(ResolveRequestContext context)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Middleware.CircularDependencyDetectorMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action`1 next)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Pipeline.ResolvePipelineBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<BuildPipeline>b__1(ResolveRequestContext context)
   at Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection.KeyedServiceMiddleware.Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action`1 next)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.Pipeline.ResolvePipelineBuilder.&lt;&gt;c__DisplayClass14_0.&lt;BuildPipeline&gt;b__1(ResolveRequestContext context)
   at Autofac.Core.Pipeline.ResolvePipeline.Invoke(ResolveRequestContext context)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.ResolveOperation.GetOrCreateInstance(ISharingLifetimeScope currentOperationScope, ResolveRequest& request)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.ResolveOperation.ExecuteOperation(ResolveRequest& request)
   at Autofac.Core.Resolving.ResolveOperation.Execute(ResolveRequest& request)
   at Autofac.Core.Lifetime.LifetimeScope.ResolveComponent(ResolveRequest& request)
   at Autofac.Core.Container.ResolveComponent(ResolveRequest& request)
   at Autofac.Core.Container.Autofac.IComponentContext.ResolveComponent(ResolveRequest& request)
   at Autofac.ResolutionExtensions.TryResolveService(IComponentContext context, Service service, IEnumerable`1 parameters, Object& instance)
   at Autofac.ResolutionExtensions.ResolveOptionalService(IComponentContext context, Service service, IEnumerable`1 parameters)
   at Autofac.ResolutionExtensions.ResolveOptional(IComponentContext context, Type serviceType, IEnumerable`1 parameters)
   at Autofac.ResolutionExtensions.ResolveOptional(IComponentContext context, Type serviceType)
   at Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection.AutofacServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType)
   at Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext.WrappedServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) in D:\a\_work\1\s\src\Core\src\MauiContext.cs:line 72
   at Microsoft.Maui.MauiContext.WrappedServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType) in D:\a\_work\1\s\src\Core\src\MauiContext.cs:line 72
   at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions.GetRequiredService(IServiceProvider provider, Type serviceType)
   at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProviderServiceExtensions.GetRequiredService[IApplication](IServiceProvider provider)
   at Microsoft.Maui.MauiApplication.OnCreate() in D:\a\_work\1\s\src\Core\src\Platform\Android\MauiApplication.cs:line 46
   at Android.App.Application.n_OnCreate(IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr native__this) in /Users/runner/work/1/s/xamarin-android/src/Mono.Android/obj/Release/net8.0/android-34/mcw/Android.App.Application.cs:line 1087
   at Android.Runtime.JNINativeWrapper.Wrap_JniMarshal_PP_V(_JniMarshal_PP_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz) in /Users/runner/work/1/s/xamarin-android/src/Mono.Android/Android.Runtime/JNINativeWrapper.g.cs:line 26
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
    • Create a new project with MAUI as mobile (abp new AbpTest -u blazor-server -m maui --tiered -csf)
    • Set the MAUI project as the startup project
    • Start the project in debug mode on an Android device
    • The crash should occur seconds after the splash screen shows up

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on January 23, 2025, 12:17