Sorry, I forget it, thanks Mailiming. I resolved it
Dear support team,
I host web in iis with basic project is ok.
But when I host project abp (backend) i cannot load list API of the project
how different from basic project?
Thanks bunyamin ,
Your answer is very clear.
Dear support team,
I want to Get ID of current folder, but when I add action "Sign All", i have error when click "Sign All" button like this
Please show me how to get ID current folder when click action.
Dear support team,
I'm using File System Provider, and i want to save file in another server. Please tell me how to do that.
Dear support team,
I want to paging in FileManagement module but i don't see document for this.
How can i do that with abp-extensible-table component?
Hi @devteam
As I see, you've added migration successfully,
But, to update your database, please use
When you run it, it will update your database.
Thanks @cotur
Hi support team,
I want to add new column into FmFileDescriptors table.
I have updated FileDescriptor class
But when i run add-migration 'tableFileDescriptor-addcolumn-IsSign' and update-database in Volo.FileManagement.EntityFrameworkCore project I have error build failed.
Please show me how to do that in aboth frontend and backend.
Dear suppor team,
I created an api from backend. And i created service component in angular code too, And now i need call it from fontend.
But i don't know to do that with this framework.
Please show me how to do that.
i resolved it Thanks.