Activities of "enisn"

Currently, tenants can't configure their own payment gateway configurations by default, all the configurations are made in appsettings.json, so tenants can't use different payment accounts (different stripe, payu accaounts etc.), so there is no meaning adding new productId by tenants. So, converting that permission for host only is a better approach over this condition. We'll make some overhauls on this in the next version.


Regarding ABP.Volo.Payment, why tenant has permission to create plan or update plan by default. I am just trying to understand what is the logic to allow tenant to change plans created by host. Is it to allow my tenants to set their own payment Payment Gateway so my tenant can issue their own invoice and received payment from their customers, like B2B2C

It seems there is a logical issue in there, we'll try to enhance this logic in the next version but you can use the following workaround in your application for now;

  • Create a PermissionDefinition provider in your project. (Applcation.Contracts prefferred)

    And set multitenantcy side as Host for each permission in the group.

    public class PaymentFixPermissionDefinitionProvider : PermissionDefinitionProvider
        public override void Define(IPermissionDefinitionContext context)
            var paymentAdminGroup = context.GetGroupOrNull(PaymentAdminPermissions.GroupName);
            if (paymentAdminGroup != null)
                foreach (var permissionDefinition in paymentAdminGroup.Permissions)
        private void ConvertToHostSide(PermissionDefinition permissionDefinition)
            permissionDefinition.MultiTenancySide = Abp.MultiTenancy.MultiTenancySides.Host;
            foreach(var childPermissionDefinition in permissionDefinition.Children) 

We've just released LeptonX 2.0.5 version. Can you try to upgrade and try it?

Make sure your bundle files are regenerated after the update by executing abp bundle.

We'll release LeptonX 2.0.5 version later in today. It'll solve the problem.

Since it's a bug, your credit is also refunded

We've reproduces the issue, We're working on it

Created a new Blazor server app: changed the layout to top menu and I got this:

So same error.

Hi, as I can understand you're using Blazor WebAssembly. And did you updated your bundles after changing layout with abp bundle command?

You can follow those steps If you haven't done:

Sorry for late answer, Unfortunately we couldn't reproduce the problem. Can you please provide us minimum reproduction steps to achieve this?

Did you configured properly according to the documentation:

You should add at least one of the payment provider as gateway. You can see each payment gateway has different parameters to configure.

You can use your appsettings.json to configure them properly. You can use the following boilerplate from the documentation:

"Payment": {
    "Payu": {
      "Merchant": "TEST",
      "Signature": "SECRET_KEY",
      "LanguageCode": "en",
      "CurrencyCode": "USD",
      "VatRate": "0",
      "PriceType": "GROSS",
      "Shipping": "0",
      "Installment": "1",
      "TestOrder": "1",
      "Debug": "1"
    "TwoCheckout": {
      "Signature": "SECRET_KEY",
      "CheckoutUrl": "",
      "LanguageCode": "en",
      "CurrencyCode": "USD",
      "TestOrder": "1"
    "PayPal": {
      "ClientId": "CLIENT_ID",
      "Secret": "SECRET",
      "CurrencyCode": "USD",
      "Environment": "Sandbox",
      "Locale": "en_US"
    "Stripe": {
      "PublishableKey": "PUBLISHABLE_KEY",
      "SecretKey": "SECRET_KEY",
      "PaymentMethodTypes": ["alipay"]
    "Iyzico": {
      "ApiKey": "API_KEY",
      "SecretKey": "SECRET_KEY",
      "BaseUrl": "",
      "Locale": "en",
      "Currency": "USD"
    "Alipay": {
      "AppId": "APP_ID",
      "GatewayHost": "",
      "AlipayPublicKey": "ALIPAY_PUBLIC_KEY",
      "MerchantPrivateKey": "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_KEY"

You should redirect a POST method to /Payment/GatewaySelection?paymentRequestId= instead GET. You can submit a form and redirect that request with LocalRedirectPreserveMethod().

The example shows it but it seems it's not clearly described in the documentation, I'll update the documentation according to this issue.

Are you using the latest version of LeptonX?

Also make sure you changed theme package in package.json file

    "@volo/abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.leptonx": "~2.0.3",
    "@volo/aspnetcore.components.server.leptonxtheme": "~2.0.3",

And run abp install-libs command.

Then all the css & javascript files should be updated.

Showing 101 to 110 of 489 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30