Activities of "enisn"

Hi We've solved the problem, it'll be released in the next patch version of LeptonX. But you can use the following component in your project to overcome the problem as a workaround.

  • Create a razor page in your blazor application. Let say it's MyMainHeader.razor
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.SideMenu.Navigation
@using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
@using Volo.Abp.LeptonX.Shared.Localization
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.SideMenu.MainHeader

@inherits MainHeader
@attribute [ExposeServices(typeof(MainHeader))]
@attribute [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
	LocalizationResource = typeof(LeptonXResource);

<div class="lpx-sidebar-container">
	<div class="lpx-sidebar" id="lpx-sidebar">
		<nav class="lpx-nav">
			<div class="lpx-logo-container">
				<MainHeaderBranding />
				<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-filter-left menu-collapse-icon hidden-in-hover-trigger"

			<div class="lpx-menu-filter hidden-in-hover-trigger" data-lpx-menu-filter="sidebar">
				<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-filter menu-filter-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				<input class="menu-filter-input hidden-in-hover-trigger" type="text" placeholder="@L["FilterMenu"]" />
				<span class="menu-filter-clear hidden">
					<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-x clear-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>
			<ul class="lpx-nav-menu" id="desktop-sidebar">
				<MainMenu />

Then you'll see it'll start to be scrolled

Sorry for your inconvenient experience. We'll update related documentations about it as soon as possible.

Also your credit was refunded.

How did you deploy? Docker, filesystem,..etc?

Make sure you run abp install-libs before building the docker image. Those wwwroot files should be included in the docker image.

Hi ccernat,

In the Blazor WASM, you should complete following steps after layout changing:

  1. Configure in Module class (You already did this)
Configure<LeptonXThemeBlazorOptions>(options =>
    options.Layout = LeptonXBlazorLayouts.TopMenu;
  1. Update the following section in appsettings.json
 "AbpCli": {
    "Bundle": {
      "Mode": "BundleAndMinify", /* Options: None, Bundle, BundleAndMinify */
      "Name": "global",
      "Parameters": {
        "LeptonXTheme.Layout": "top-menu"
  1. Run abp bundle command

That might help:

It says it failed to connect websockets. Did you allow websocket connections? Also, make sure Upgrade header is allowed and passed to the application by load-balance/proxy.

Once you set any feature for tenant, that is accepted and Edition features doesn't affect anymore.

So we decided to make a development for that experience.

We reproduced the issue. Currently leptonx.bunlde.js doesn't allow removing an item from generalsettings. It can't be initialized when a general setting item is removed.

We'll change this behavior and it'll be included in LeptonX 1.1

PageLayout feature might help in your situation.

  • Inject PageLayout
    public PageLayout PageLayout { get; set; }
  • Set MenuItemName as "none" and set it back empty after page is disposed.
protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync()
    PageLayout.MenuItemName = "None";

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
    PageLayout.MenuItemName = string.Empty;

Firstly, which Theme are you currently using? Lepton, LeptonX, Basic

Which version are you currently using? 6.0.0, 5.3.5 etc.

Which UI type? Angular, MVC, Blazor Server, Blazor Wasm

Showing 161 to 170 of 489 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30