Activities of "improwise"

Will you please refund ticket with this being a confirmed bug/problem? Thanks.

sorry, this is a private link

Seems much better than before.

Also, thanks for keeping me/us updated on the progress here

THe issue has been fixed

Is that a public repo as the link isn't working?

You can report all your ABP-related issues on this platform.
Other platforms are for open-source users.
We read all these posts and take necessary actions.

PS: You can still use the following platforms to find a community-supported solution.


Hi @alper, When you say, “We read all these posts and take necessary actions.” does this mean if my previous posts were read, and no action was taken, they were rejected or what?


The fact that your question still remains unanswered is a bit worrying.

When you add new entities with "Filterable:False" in ABP Suite the generated tests will still include that column despite it not being a parameter of the Get method like

(Description3 is the only one that has filterable:false)

When creating/generating new Entities in ABP Suite, there are many many not founds appearing in the output log like this. Guessing that might be part of the reason why ABP Suite feels so much slower in 8.2 than previous versions.

info : GET***/v3/package/volo.abp.commercial.suitetemplates/8.2.0/volo.abp.commercial.suitetemplates.8.2.0.nupkg info : NotFound***/v3/package/volo.abp.backgroundjobs.domain/index.json 89ms info : NotFound***/v3/package/volo.abp.blobstoring.database.domain/index.json 91ms info : NotFound***/v3/package/volo.abp.permissionmanagement.domain.openiddict/index.json 89ms

(Replaced GUID with ***)

I think it should stay. We can find bugs in the release version

My bad, I though it was only for RC versions. Which OP kind of suggest as well.

8.2 has apparently been released now so this thread should probably be closed.

There seem to be a weird bug in ABP Suite that adds spaces to some names when entities are generated. Some examples

Actual values

Generated values:

"Endpoint": "Endpoint",
"P256dh": "P 2 5 6dh",
"Auth": "Auth",

When trying to run a brand new Blazor WASM project created by ABP Suite (RC5) it is very slow (like 30 seconds to even get it started locally on a fast desktop). You will also get this error

Volo.Abp.IdentityModel.IdentityModelAuthenticationService[0] Could not find IdentityClientConfiguration for AbpMvcClient. Either define a configuration for AbpMvcClient or set a default configuration.

You also get this error:

The loading of “https://localhost:44382/connect/authorize?client_id=ABPTesterBlazorWASM_Blazor&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A44379%2Fauthentication%2Flogin-callback&response_type=code&scope=openid%20profile%20ABPTesterBlazorWASM%20roles%20email%20phone%20offline_access&state=7f15c1ee6e0842f59f1e5e8503ac3080&code_challenge=rcpJKaRIzrVtDFdxwzbIO9iDA-4FTolIF5vOtNuEaL4&code_challenge_method=S256&prompt=none&response_mode=query” in a frame is denied by “X-Frame-Options“ directive set to “sameorigin“. authorize


This seems to be IIS Express related. First error message remains though but is only a warning.

Showing 31 to 40 of 171 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13