Activities of "jfistelmann"

I have done as you recommended and it threw another exception:

I will create an example repo and share the github link. I think that would be best.


that's probably because of the UOW.

try this:

await _productRepository.DeleteAsync(id, autoSave: true);

Hey Dharma,

You could throw a BusinessException or a UserFriendlyException.

Keep note that in your approach you would most likely need to override the DeleteAsync-method and wrap a try-catch around deletion of the entity, to then be able to even catch the FK-Exception.

kind regards Jack


it sounds like your db/ connectionstring needs to be configured properly.

What db are you using and how it the db server hosted?

How does the connection string look like and how is the db configured?

Please share as mucch information as you can - without sensitive information.

Kind regards Jack


your foreign key probably does not prevent deletion because your customer entity has soft delete enabled. That means the record ist still in the db after you delete it and the foreign key stays intact.

Depending on your architecture, you can either fire off an event and prevent deletion somewhere, or guard against deletion inside of the appservice which deletes the customer - for example by checking the order repository for existing entries on the customer to delete.

You may take a look at ABP's free DDD e-book for inspiration on Implementation.

Long story short, you just need to ensure that your data stays consistent inside your code. Implementation needs to match your specific requirements and architecture.

Please let me know if that helps.

Kind regards Jack


Yes, that is the one I was thinking of, I registered but could not attend at the time. Was it recorded, is there a way to watch it?

Sure, log in to kommunity using the account which is holding the ticket. Then, navigate to this link of the conference:

Go to "Talks" and you can watch the recordings

Kind regards, Jack

hai liming, thanks for your response.

I don't want to use two sets of package as it is unnecessary and will increase the download time.

can you please confirm if I can use the LeptonX Blazor server theme without the Blazorise package?

Hey Andy,

you can not use lepton/ leptonx UI without blazorise, as the UI is build with that.

If you want to remove blazorise, you have to create the UI completely on your own.


to me it seems like you are in the wrong path.

from the commandline, type ls. I am pretty sure that you're in the directory C:\Users\Chris\Application Data. You need to execute abp update from within the solution directory.

kind regards Jack



I found this community article which explains everything you need to create a json column and perform crud operations:

I also added a feature request to support the json column type in the abp suite.

Let me know if you have any further questions :)

Kind regards,


ABP Suite: Add support for json column type for property

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 08:30