Activities of "liangshiwei"


I have test, you can try SeedDataAsync method in the <YourProjectName>DbMigrationService and replace it with the following code:

private async Task SeedDataAsync(Tenant tenant = null)
    Logger.LogInformation($"Executing {(tenant == null ? "host" : tenant.Name + " tenant")} database seed...");

    using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(true, true))
        await _dataSeeder.SeedAsync(new DataSeedContext(tenant?.Id)
            .WithProperty(IdentityDataSeedContributor.AdminEmailPropertyName, IdentityDataSeedContributor.AdminEmailDefaultValue)
            .WithProperty(IdentityDataSeedContributor.AdminPasswordPropertyName, IdentityDataSeedContributor.AdminPasswordDefaultValue)

        await uow.CompleteAsync();


You can try use CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.


Because this qustion has not been active for a long time, system will automatically close it.

Is there a way where I find one item of this list and want to update its "PropertyAdded" column. How do I do this ?

I think the document it clear, you can check it:

Is there any document where implementation of UserValidator class is provided ? Can you provide me sample of this class ? And how can I find my custom column here ?


public class MyUserValidator<TUser> : IUserValidator<TUser> where TUser : Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser
    private readonly IIdentityUserRepository _userRepository;

    public MyUserValidator(IIdentityUserRepository userRepository)
        _userRepository = userRepository;

    public Task<IdentityResult> ValidateAsync(UserManager<TUser> manager, TUser user)

PreConfigure<IdentityBuilder>(builder =>

In the below code there is one option called options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail If I would able to find my added column here I think it will resolve my issue.

No you can't


It works for me.

public class IndexModel : AbpPageModel
    public void OnGet()
        throw new Exception("test");
app.UseExceptionHandler(x => x.Run(async errorContext =>
    errorContext.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
    errorContext.Response.ContentType = "text/html";

    await errorContext.Response.WriteAsync("<html lang=\"en\"><body>\r\n");
    await errorContext.Response.WriteAsync("ERROR!<br><br>\r\n");

    var exceptionHandlerPathFeature =

    if (exceptionHandlerPathFeature?.Error is FileNotFoundException)
        await errorContext.Response.WriteAsync(
            "File error thrown!<br><br>\r\n");

    await errorContext.Response.WriteAsync(
        "<a href=\"/\">Home</a><br>\r\n");
    await errorContext.Response.WriteAsync("</body></html>\r\n");
    await errorContext.Response.WriteAsync(new string(' ', 512));

Could you share a project to reproduce it?


You can do it,

Change requireHttps to false


what should i do, to automatically seed the database when i create a tenant?

It is already like this, you can see MyProjectNameTenantDatabaseMigrationHandler in your domain project.


When we add the module Lepton.Themes,

Lepton theme is pre-installed, but I will try reproduce it. it will be helpful if you can provide steps to reproduce. thanks.


And while fetching roles via. RoleRepository.GetListAsync() suppose I want roles only specific for CatA.

Yes you can do this, there are two ways:

  1. Filter the memory list
var users = (await _userRepository.GetListAsync()).Where(x => x.GetProperty<int>("PropertyAdded") == 1).ToList();
  1. Use EF Core API

see :

var users = (await _userRepository.GetDbSetAsync()).Where(x => EF.Property<int>(x, "PropertyAdded") == 1).ToListAsync();

How can I achieve this and where to do respective changes.

You can use the IUserValidator



I think you need re create the database.

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