Activities of "nabass"


This is a swagger error.

Please share a simple project to reproduce. I will check it.

I have followed the steps provided in this documentation, except that I have a modular project:

Integrating DevExpress Reporting into ABP MVC Application

Here are my project Project Structure first:

I Have added the Bundling Folder insdie web In the src Module:

and here it is the reportDesigner Razor page

the code: @page @model Horizon.HorizonERP.Web.Pages.Reporting.DesignerModel @using DevExpress.AspNetCore @using Horizon.HorizonERP.Web.Bundling.Reporting.DocumentDesigner; @using Horizon.HorizonERP.Web.Bundling.Reporting.DocumentViewer;

@{ var designerRender = Html.DevExpress().ReportDesigner("") .Height("1000px") .Bind(Model.DesignerModell.Report) .DataSources(configureDS => { foreach (var ds in Model.DesignerModell.DataSources) { configureDS.Add(ds.Key, ds.Value); } }); @designerRender.RenderHtml() }

<div> @designerRender.RenderHtml() </div>

@section Scripts { <abp-style type="typeof(DevExpressDocumentDesignerStyleContributor)" /> <abp-script type="typeof(DevExpressDocumentDesignerScriptContributor)" /> @designerRender.RenderScripts() }

.cs class

public ReportDesignerModel DesignerModell { get; set; }

public void OnGet() { JsonDataSource jsonDataSource = new JsonDataSource(); jsonDataSource.JsonSource = new UriJsonSource(new Uri("")); jsonDataSource.Fill();

DesignerModell = new ReportDesignerModel
    Report = new XtraReport(),
    DataSources = new Dictionary&lt;string, object&gt;()
// DesignerModel.DataSources.Add("BookStoreDb", dataSource);
DesignerModell.DataSources.Add("JsonDataSource", jsonDataSource);

} public class ReportDesignerModel { public XtraReport Report { get; set; } public Dictionary<string, object> DataSources { get; set; } }


using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.QueryBuilder.Native.Services; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.QueryBuilder; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.ReportDesigner.Native.Services; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.ReportDesigner; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.WebDocumentViewer.Native.Services; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.WebDocumentViewer; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Abp.Application.Services; using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing; using Horizon.Inventory;

namespace Horizon.HorizonERP.Web.Bundling.Reporting.Controllers;

//public class ReportingController //{

//[Route("api/HorizonERP/CustomWebDocumentViewer")] //[ApiController] //[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public class CustomWebDocumentViewerController : WebDocumentViewerController { public CustomWebDocumentViewerController(IWebDocumentViewerMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService) { } }

//[Route("api/HorizonERP/CustomReportDesigner")] //[ApiController] //[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public class CustomReportDesignerController : ReportDesignerController { public CustomReportDesignerController(IReportDesignerMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService) { } }

//[Route("api/HorizonERP/CustomQueryBuilder")] //[ApiController] //[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public class CustomQueryBuilderController : QueryBuilderController { public CustomQueryBuilderController(IQueryBuilderMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService) { }

} //}



Registered Controllers inside webmodule:

I have followed the steps provided in this documentation, except that I have a modular project:

Integrating DevExpress Reporting into ABP MVC Application

Here are my project Project Structure first:

I Have added the Bundling Folder insdie web In the src Module:

and here it is the reportDesigner Razor page

the code: @page @model Horizon.HorizonERP.Web.Pages.Reporting.DesignerModel @using DevExpress.AspNetCore @using Horizon.HorizonERP.Web.Bundling.Reporting.DocumentDesigner; @using Horizon.HorizonERP.Web.Bundling.Reporting.DocumentViewer;

@{ var designerRender = Html.DevExpress().ReportDesigner("") .Height("1000px") .Bind(Model.DesignerModell.Report) .DataSources(configureDS => { foreach (var ds in Model.DesignerModell.DataSources) { configureDS.Add(ds.Key, ds.Value); } }); @designerRender.RenderHtml() }

<div> @designerRender.RenderHtml() </div>

@section Scripts { <abp-style type="typeof(DevExpressDocumentDesignerStyleContributor)" /> <abp-script type="typeof(DevExpressDocumentDesignerScriptContributor)" /> @designerRender.RenderScripts() }

.cs class

public ReportDesignerModel DesignerModell { get; set; }

public void OnGet() { JsonDataSource jsonDataSource = new JsonDataSource(); jsonDataSource.JsonSource = new UriJsonSource(new Uri("")); jsonDataSource.Fill();

DesignerModell = new ReportDesignerModel
    Report = new XtraReport(),
    DataSources = new Dictionary&lt;string, object&gt;()
// DesignerModel.DataSources.Add("BookStoreDb", dataSource);
DesignerModell.DataSources.Add("JsonDataSource", jsonDataSource);

} public class ReportDesignerModel { public XtraReport Report { get; set; } public Dictionary<string, object> DataSources { get; set; } }


using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.QueryBuilder.Native.Services; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.QueryBuilder; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.ReportDesigner.Native.Services; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.ReportDesigner; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.WebDocumentViewer.Native.Services; using DevExpress.AspNetCore.Reporting.WebDocumentViewer; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Abp.Application.Services; using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing; using Horizon.Inventory;

namespace Horizon.HorizonERP.Web.Bundling.Reporting.Controllers;

//public class ReportingController //{

//[Route("api/HorizonERP/CustomWebDocumentViewer")] //[ApiController] //[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public class CustomWebDocumentViewerController : WebDocumentViewerController { public CustomWebDocumentViewerController(IWebDocumentViewerMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService) { } }

//[Route("api/HorizonERP/CustomReportDesigner")] //[ApiController] //[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public class CustomReportDesignerController : ReportDesignerController { public CustomReportDesignerController(IReportDesignerMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService) { } }

//[Route("api/HorizonERP/CustomQueryBuilder")] //[ApiController] //[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public class CustomQueryBuilderController : QueryBuilderController { public CustomQueryBuilderController(IQueryBuilderMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService) { }

} //}



Registered Controllers inside webmodule:


Try adding [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi=true)] to your controller.

[ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] 
public class CustomQueryBuilderController : QueryBuilderController 
    public CustomQueryBuilderController(IQueryBuilderMvcControllerService controllerService) 
    : base(controllerService) 

I am still encountering the same error, Are there any clean and reliable steps to properly integrate the DocumentViewer into an ABP application .. I Mean Another documentation that I can follow with?

i found it i will try and tell you the result

same error i already have different port as i mentioned in oAuthConfig and i created new clientId in database see the image again where can i get the scope ??


Please share the error logs in Logs.txt file.


I want to use the DevExpress DocumentViewer within my ABP application and have followed the steps provided in

when I run the application, I encounter an error

The error occurs in the following controller:

public class CustomQueryBuilderController : QueryBuilderController { public CustomQueryBuilderController(IQueryBuilderMvcControllerService controllerService) : base(controllerService) { } }

How can I resolve this issue and successfully open the DocumentViewer?

hi when i start application i got my port 4200

when clicking login path changes to

i created new abp angular application to see url and i found it

and database like

so i added in my database new line like

and changed the url manually to this img (this is wrong i want it to open automatically)

and when write user name and password url changed again and i got this error

this is my environment

note: see this question with your friend "liangshiwei" i have external solution with api not the core project that generated with angular i mean i just use angular

hi where can i find this file?? note : i used external API not api that abp offers me when creating abp angular application

Hi i'v some errors 1- when running angular application when clicking login i got this error

2- is postman i tried login API and i got access token how to create method to send this token to header for allowing me put any API request and make it valid for view

for example: when i create my http request at first i must go to backend and give this api permission so i want to skip this step to allow angular application create http request from any where so how to send this token when login ?? or ABP offers me this logic automatically ??


  • ABP Framework version: v8
  • UI Type: Angular
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
Showing 21 to 30 of 133 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13