@maliming I can't reproduce it either, but the above problem appears in the production environment, so I want to ask if there are any cases where it can occur.
Data in my database has case CreatorId is null. When did this problem occur, and is there any way to reproduce it?
please help me!
I need your assistance with two problems I'm having with the api [/api/abp/application-configuration] and [/api/abp/application-localization].
1.The API are being executed multiple times As of right now, the API is called four times when I log in to the tenant, even though I understand that it is only called twice with the types fetch and xhr. When I log in to the host, the aforementioned phenomenon does not happen.
2.Can I alter the aforementioned API to increase speed?
I look forward to hearing from you shortly. I appreciate your assistance.
please confirm for me !!!
@maliming ok,thx
@maliming Just to be sure, I would like to know the disadvantages of implementing this measure.
@maliming It worked fine. Thanks for supported !!!
@maliming Where will the above code be added, is it AuthServerModule?
@maliming If the login url is like below, it will not automatically log in to the TabB and when log in on TabB, error 400 will show. Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2Fconnect%2Fauthorize%3Fresponse_type%3Dcode%26client_id%