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Activities of "rwright-ruhealth"

ABP Framework version: v8.2 UI Type: Blazor (MAUI) Database System: EF Core (SQL Server) Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): No

Exception message and full stack trace: There is no specific exception message, but modals fail to render after launching and trying to add a user for example.

Steps to reproduce the issue: Create a new MAUI Blazor project from ABP Studio NO Mobile App. Use SQL Server. This is a Tiered Non-Layered project. Set the HOST project and the Maui Project as startups. Run the application. Attempt to open a modal dialog (e.g., through a button click or any other trigger). Shade appears, but the modal does not.

Ran this command Abp bundle -t maui-blazor and it fails with unsupported project type. must be Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly.

Thanks for looking into this.

NOTE: You May also have to fix up the Splash error know for Blazor apps. I added <MauiImage Update="Resources\Images\splash.svg" BaseSize="168,168"> to the MauiBlazor .csproj file and I copied to splash.svg to the resources\images folder.

Correction: Version is 8.3.2 ABP and 0.9.2 Studio

Hi, can you try to install the related module with source code via ABP Studio (https://abp.io/docs/latest/studio/solution-explorer#replace-with-source-code)?

If you look at the first part of my problem, that is exactly what I did. And that is what causes the problem. Thanks for looking into this.

  • ABP Framework version: v8.3.1
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): NO: Not Tiered
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Create a project using ABP studio 0.9.1 and ABP 8.3.1 Add the Volo.AuditLogging.Ui source from the ABP Suite Launcher in ABP Studio. Try to build. Project fails. The Binaries in Contract get doubled up.

Create a command line MVC project using ABP make it an MVC with sql server project. Specify version 8.3.1 Launch the project in VS 2022 and it should build successfully. Launch Migrations: OK. Open ABP Suite with command abp suite. Install the module source abp add-module Volo.AuditLogging.Ui using the add as project button. Source Code Installs. Build: OK. Launch and use Audit Logging: OK. The Studio version Installs 2 packages. Volo.AuditLogging.Pro and another Package Volo.AuditLogging.Ui whereas the ABP Studio version seems to correctly install only the needed source module Volo.AuditLogging.UI. Even right clicking and installing a module source from ABP Studio causes the wrong solution source to get pulled down and embedded in the project.

  • ABP Framework version: v8.3.1
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Tiered MVC
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Create an ABP MVC project in ABP Studio 0.9.1 and use ABP Suite from within Studio to add CMSKit Pro Source Code. Attempt to ADD an FAQ. FAQ Group is required. FAQ Group presents as an Empty dropdown list. There is no way to add a group. No group, no FAQ.

In addition, codemirror script is missing from wwwroot/libs. Pages in CMS Kit Pro cannot be edited without CodeMirror.css and .js files. I Retrieved the files from codemirror.net

Next, I installed a brand new project, Chose CMS KIT PRO as well. No source code. Right out of the box, no way to add Group for FAQ. This used to work in a previous version.

This is a serious issue for us. Thanks for your quick support.

****** BUG in Code Module ********

  • ABP Framework version: v8.3.1
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes/no Tiered for MVC
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Create a project using ABP Studio 0.9.1 and ABP Suite 8.3.1 Add the source for Account to the project. Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.MauiBlazor project fails to build. Build the source and this code section causes a build failure. var scheme = callbackUri.Scheme; if(scheme = "http" || scheme == "https")

Project fails to build because the left side of the comparison expression is missing an "=" symbol.

I corrected the code to: if(scheme == "http" || scheme == "https") and the project builds correctly.

Cms Kit also doesn't work well since it's missing a library

I found that there are some missing libraries installed too (Created the project from ABP STUDIO)

In Application project, It's missing Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Common.Application
In Application.Contracts, it's missing Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Common.Application.Contracts
In HtpApi.Client, it's missing Volo.CmsKit.Pro.Admin.HttpApi.Client
In Web, It's missing Volo.CsmKit.Pro.Web

CodeMirror changed a lot from version 5 to version 6, ABP tries to use CodeMirror 6 but is not updated with the actual new project structure

In a MVC project created from ABP Studio

I small workaround is to add the libraries and run the following npm
npm i codemirror@5.65.18

Do we want to use CodeMirror6? is there a plan to make it work or was just a mistake to push codemirror6 in the npm?

After updating my project to 8.3.1 and 0.9.1 for ABP Studio, codemirror Error is popping up. My fix was to add the code mirror v5 files from codemirror's website to my main web app wwwroot/lib/codemirror folder. Then everything started working again. I must admit I am getting extremely frustrated going from a working project to one that completely fails everytime I update or add source code. It is costing many,many hours of development downtime trying to figure out what just broke? I like ABP and Studio, I would really like the product if I wasn't constantly beta testing everything.

****** BUG in Code Module ********

  • ABP Framework version: v8.3.1
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes/no Tiered for MVC
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Create a project using ABP Studio 0.9.1 and ABP Suite 8.3.1 Add the source for Account to the project. Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.MauiBlazor project fails to build. Build the source and this code section causes a build failure. var scheme = callbackUri.Scheme; if(scheme = "http" || scheme == "https")

Project fails to build because the left side of the comparison expression is missing an "=" symbol.

I corrected the code to: if(scheme == "http" || scheme == "https") and the project builds correctly.


There are two ways to put it.

1 Use BundleContributor https://abp.io/docs/latest/framework/ui/mvc-razor-pages/bundling-minification#contributor-dependencies

[DependsOn(typeof(JQueryScriptContributor))] //Define the dependency 
public class MyExtensionScriptBundleContributor : BundleContributor 
  1. Use layout hook https://abp.io/docs/latest/framework/ui/mvc-razor-pages/layout-hooks

Thanks for your quick reply. Will attempt to impliment and check results. I forgot all about the layout-hooks. As I was asking the question, I could not for the life of me remember the term, although I had used the layout-hooks in a previous project.

I tried to reproduce it but unfortunately couldn't. Please share the content of .json files under the .suite folder.

I can also share a fully built-out project. Meanwhile, JSON text is too long to put into a post. I am attaching the .suite files in a github repo Link to .SUITE JSON files in repo with a readme.html file in each folder. There is no code in the repo, just the .suite JSON files.

There is a readme.html file in each folder. I just created this example and the problem still exists. In the provided example: I can add a Company, and add employees to the company after Navigations are created. The problem: There are two related child forms for Company. 1. Sites. 2. Vehicles. When I click Sites after establishing the Company many-to-many navigation and building it, etc. I can add Sites. I can add Employees to the Company via the Employees tab on the Company form. When I click the Sites link, all site records show up. When I click the Company Vehicles link, no vehicles show up. The Add New Vehicle button does not launch the Create Company vehicle form.

When there is no Employees Navigation property, everything works as expected.

The newly generated index.js in the Company page produces: function initDataGrids(data) { initSiteGrid(data) $("#CompanyVehicles-tab-" + data.id).one("click", function (e) { initCompanyVehicleGrid(data); }); }

The data.id property is null. Normally, the data.id property gets populated when the many-to-many employees isn't used.

To fix the issue, I had to change data.id to data.company.id which solves the problem.

The next line calls initCompanyVehicleGrid(data)

Here is a piece of the ABP generated function call. Notice it is using data.company.id? : function initCompanyVehicleGrid(data) { if(!abp.auth.isGranted("MstrWithTwoCh.CompanyVehicles")) { return; } var companyId = data.company.id; var companyVehicleService = window.mstrWithTwoCh.controllers.companyVehicleNs.companyVehicle; ... } However, when code gets regenerated via suite, the fix gets clobbered because it is not in a customization comment region.

Link to .SUITE JSON files in repo

Thanks for your reply. How do I put the scripts in the head tag using ABP methods with BundleContributor (After jQuery)? YES: I do have a license for Telerik Ultimate. I am using licensed versions with my license file correctly detected. SO: Telerik controls are working. I would like to defer scripts so that each generated control is not surrounded by Telerik generated script tags.

I researched this issue in the past. It seems there is a way to specify where scripts are placed and in which specific order. For example, the myriad of scripts used by ABP are not placed by accident.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 07, 2025, 05:40