Activities of "rwright-ruhealth"


I have made it work

Please invite me to your GitHub repository.


http://localhost/authserver/ http://localhost/api/ https://localhost/web https://localhost/web-public

This is really good news so far. I had to make many changes and I would like to see what can be done differently. I invited you as a collaborator on my GitHub account (RICKISWRIGHT).

So far, builds are inconsistent when adding sources. I'm using ABP Studio and 8.2.1 ABP Sources. ABP Studio leaves a lot of version 7 .dotnet stuff in place as well. I am going to close this ticket and wait for additional improvements to ABP Studio. ABP Suite and ABP Studio do not pull the same bits. This is clear from my experience and research into both projects.

AS for the Virtual Directory /Subdirectory tiered site where you have a separate auth server, web site and api host as in: where the prefix "dogs" is just to let us know these sites work together in a dependency. the next site on this server could very well be:

WE prefer not to use multiple DNS FQDN names, i.e., etc.

Additionally, 8.2.1 version with STUDIO seems to REQUIRE REDIS and RabbitMQ if you do anything tiered. Version 8.1.5 Does not.

Where can I report BUGS directly for quality improvement of ABP STUDIO now on version 0.7.6 with many of the same issues as its predecessors? Thanks, ABP TEAM.

I emailed a WeTransfer project to you. Completely working without binaries. Requires RabbitMq and REDIS.

Please share your RabbitMQ configuration in appsettins.json

I am working on recreating a new project with the same configuration. Purpose is to create an error log after each source code module is installed. Current setup has RabbitMQ and Redis installed on the IIS server. Discovered the RabbitMQ server was stopped which caused the RabbitMQ errors. Started the RabbitMQ and other issues popped up. Could not login. Will Reinstall fresh and Track the progress for each module install. Something seems to break when adding sources instead of the packages. Will attach logs to this ticket. Via WeTransfer if preferred. Also, can attach a project stripped of the binaries, if needed.


Sorry for your bad experience.

Can you try to test your app without IIS virtual app directory?

can't login. Swagger breaks. images break.

If you can share details, we will fix this problem asap.

My app works swimmingly when it is deployed to as a root level application, i.e., https://localhost:44332/ or

The problems happen when you try to add a subdirectory i.e., a virtual directory into the mix. as in https://localhost:44332/myapp or That's when all the problems happen. It really gets bad if you try to include the Account Pro and Identity Pro source code. Try it and see for yourself. I can send you WEtransfer project where everything works with source code perfectly(Account PRO, Identity PRO, CHAT PRO, FileManager Pro, GDPR) source code projects until I try moving to a subdirectory or virtual directory. Then, it all breaks. As you know, it is a very unrealistic expectation that a web application is served solely as the root level application. Especially when working within an organization. Another Issue: ABP 8.2.1 has too many bugs in the source code installations. I could not log in if I used the Account Pro and Identity Pro source modules directly installed via ABP Pro in a tiered or multi-project app. CHAT Pro also fails. I downgraded to 8.1.5 as it seems to be the most stable version.

Yes, I have downloaded your logs.

The main problem currently is RabbitMQ

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

What is your RabbitMQ configuration? Does it need a username and password?

My RabbitMQ is using the ABP out of the box configuration. Where would a password be set?


However, once I installed the CHAT source, I am no longer able to login again. This is really buggy.

Can you share the logs?

The logs you have shared show the RabbitMQ error causing the 500 error.

What is your RabbitMQ configuration? Does it need username and password?

RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.BrokerUnreachableException: None of the specified endpoints were reachable ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Connection failed) ---> RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.ConnectFailureException: Connection failed ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10061): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I sent the logs via wetransfer. I believe the issues arise when the project is tiered with separate openiddict server and host api. I downgraded to 8.1.5 and I am using a non-tiered but layered MVC / EF project and installing and testing piece by piece. On 8.2.1 ABP even GDPR fails to load. Too many issues arose trying to go tiered. Then, when I added the (should be standard) virtual directory in IIS, everything goes from bad to worse.


Change your ChatMessageConsts as code below:

namespace Volo.Chat.Messages; 
public static class ChatMessageConsts 
    public static int MaxTextLength { get; set; } = 4 * 1024; //4KB 
    public static int MinTextLength { get; set; } = 1; 

These Const declarations exist already in a new 8.2.1 project.

After some testing and experimenting with ABP Studio 0.7.5 beta and it's use of the new CLI and templates even for v 8.2.1 I have arrived at the conclusion ABP Studio does not properly tie the SOURCES into the application.

After completely uninstalling ABP Studio and all remnants from .dotnet tools .abp .abpsuite, .nuget removed all Volo.* packages etc, then reinstalling the standard ABP CLI v 8.2.1 and then log in and install the old version of ABP SUITE 8.2.1 problems solved re installing account source. I can now create roles and users again.

However, once I installed the CHAT source, I am no longer able to login again. This is really buggy. I am using the CHAT source successfully in version 7.4.2 with no problems.

FYI I even used ABP studio on 8.3 RC1 and problems got even worse. Could not even launch the app correctly.
Some serious in-house testing is needed for ABP Suite beta especially if the project developers plan to install the sources for customizations.


First. Please test your app withour virtual directory .

Then set log level to Debug and share your application logs.


public class Program  
    public async static Task<int> Main(string[] args)  
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()  
            .MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore", LogEventLevel.Warning)  
            .WriteTo.Async(c => c.File("Logs/logs.txt"))  
            .WriteTo.Async(c => c.Console())  

I sent you the api log and web log via wetransfer. Included #7669 in the info.

I should also note that if you create a fresh project and include the account source or the chat source using ABP studio version 0.7.5 you will also not be able to login with the account source module installed on a fresh application with no modifications.

Showing 1 to 10 of 37 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13