Activities of "scott7106"

I would agree except that I undid all my changes and ran this multiple times and it was the same on all attempts. That does not make sense that a network related issue would occur in the same place on each attempt.

After upgrading the CLI to rc.3, I get this error during the update command for the project.

[08:29:25 WRN] 1. HTTP request attempt failed to with an error: 404-Not Found. Waiting 2 secs for the next try... [08:29:27 WRN] 2. HTTP request attempt failed to with an error: 404-Not Found. Waiting 4 secs for the next try... [08:29:31 WRN] 3. HTTP request attempt failed to with an error: 404-Not Found. Waiting 7 secs for the next try... [08:29:39 INF] Updating package "Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.LeptonX" from v1.0.0-rc.3 to v1.0.0-rc.4.

It looks like the fourth attempt was different in some way and worked. But the first 3 attempts for this package failed.

I was able to resolve the issue for Azure App Service with the following code:

Added to PreConfigureServices in *HttpApiHostModule

        PreConfigure<AbpOpenIddictAspNetCoreOptions>(options => options.AddDevelopmentEncryptionAndSigningCertificate = false);
        string encryptionThumbprint = "******************";
        string signingThumbprint = "**************";

        var encryptionCertificate = GetX509Certificate2(encryptionThumbprint);
        var signingCertificate = GetX509Certificate2(signingThumbprint);

        PreConfigure<OpenIddictServerBuilder>(builder =>

helper method referenced above

    private X509Certificate2 GetX509Certificate2(string thumbprint)
        bool validOnly = false;
        using var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
        var collection = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, thumbprint, validOnly);
        var certificate = collection.OfType<X509Certificate2>().FirstOrDefault();
        return certificate ?? throw new Exception($"Cannot find certificate with thumbprint {thumbprint}");

The self-signed certificates were generated based on the documentation available on

The certificates must be generated with a password instead of the empty password in the example in order for you to upload the PFX file to the Azure App Service.

You must also set the configuration setting for WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES on the Azure App Service to either be * to load all certificates or have a comma separated list of certificates you want loaded.

I found this in the OpenIddict documentation. This should be included in the deployment documentation for the new version and referenced in the release notes.

I am getting the same error deploying the application to an Azure App Service. This is a release configuration so I am not expecting to install a developer certificate. What am I missing here? The App Service has an SSL certificate bound to a custom domain being used for the site.

@liangshiwei I am not following your answer. The default code provided in the template application exhibited the problem described above in my initial post. Are you saying that the initial application has a problem or the changes I highlighted are a problem. Please note, it was not working until I made the changes I highlighted. It is working as expected after those changes.

As a follow up, I made a couple of changes to the Swagger application configuration and it now works. I am not sure why this change removed the windows authentication prompt, but the result now matches the user experience we had with identity server.

I changed the client type to confidential and added a configuration variable to set the secret. With this in place, things now work just like they did in 5.x for me.

Is there a workaround prior to RC2?

I noticed a second issue after I opened the dotnet solution. Even though I specified the option "none" for mobile. It still created a .NET MAUI project in the solution.

Upgrading the alerts module resolved the issue for me. Thanks for your help.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21