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Activities of "LucasFarias"

Hello. I'm having trouble using the "collapse" functionality of the "Budget" item. That is, when I click on a "Budget" it expands perfectly, showing its items, however, when I click on it again, it doesn't "close", it closes if I click on another Budget. I've tried several options, but without any success. Please note that this page is a modal that is displayed on another page. I have Bootstrap in my application:

/* Bootstrap v5.3.3 (https://getbootstrap.com/)

  • Copyright 2011-2024 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors)
  • Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE) */
  • ** Versão do Framework ABP **: v8.0.4
  • ** Tipo de UI **: /MVC/Blazor Server
  • ** Sistema de banco de dados **: EF Core (SQL Server
    • ** Em camadas (para MVC) ou separadas por servidor de autenticação (para Angular) **: não
  • ** Mensagem de exceção e rastreamento de pilha completa **: not
  • ** Etapas para reproduzir o problema ** :
@using AguiaSistemas.GestaoComercial.OrcamentoRevisoes
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using AguiaSistemas.GestaoComercial.Localization
@inject IHtmlLocalizer<GestaoComercialResource> L
@model AguiaSistemas.GestaoComercial.Web.Pages.Concluidos.ItensModel

@section Scripts {
    <abp-script src="/Pages/Concluidos/itens.js"></abp-script>
    <abp-script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/5.3.0/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></abp-script>

<abp-modal centered="true" size="Large" id="productInfoModal">
    <abp-modal-header title="@L["Revisões"].Value"></abp-modal-header>
        <div class="accordion" id="orcamentoAccordion">
            @foreach (var group in Model.OrcamentoRevisaoItems.GroupBy(item => new { item.Orcamento.NrOrcamento, item.OrcamentoRevisao.NrRevisao }))
                var groupId = $"group-{group.Key.NrOrcamento}-{group.Key.NrRevisao}";
                <div class="accordion-item">
                    <h2 class="accordion-header" id="heading-@groupId">
                        <button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapse-@groupId" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse-@groupId">
                            Orçamento @group.Key.NrOrcamento/@group.Key.NrRevisao
                    <div id="collapse-@groupId" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="heading-@groupId" data-bs-parent="#orcamentoAccordion">
                        <div class="accordion-body">
                            <abp-table striped-rows="true" class="productInfo">
                                    @foreach (var item in group)
    <abp-modal-footer buttons="Close"></abp-modal-footer>

Hello, I recently changed notebooks. I installed abp suite, however, when accessing it I have no access to "create a new solution".

Good afternoon, Dear. I hope you are well.

What are the possible causes for the admin, password 1q2w3E*, to lose access to the "actions" button?

Detail that I can't access the "user" page in "Identity Management".

I have already deleted the Database and performed a new migration, but without success.


Boa tarde, Prezada(o). Espero que esteja bem.

Estou utilizando as propriedades de navegação e o tipo de seleção da UI Modal, porém, -importante ressaltar que não fiz nenhuma alteração, gerei através do Abp Suite- o botão "pick" simplesmente não funciona, não exibe a tabela.

Já debuguei o código, comparei com outro que está funcionando e está exatamente igual, mas não cheguei a nenhuma conclusão.

Detalhe que não apresenta nenhum erro no VSC e Console.

Aguardo o retorno,

Lucas Farias

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.2.0-preview. Updated on February 17, 2025, 05:40