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Activities of "enisn"


Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce this issue. Can you please share a sample project with this issue number (2963) to my email address?

Can you verify the t-generate-proxy.json file is updated and has those methods in it?

By the way, I can't reproduce this issue, can you send me an example project with the issue number (#2899)?

If you're working on localhost, please check your IdentityServerDataSeedContributor.cs class before running DbMigrator. That class is placed under IdentityServer folder under Domain project by default. All Clients are defined there and they're seeded to run your app properly at the initial state.

Make sure the following code block exits and blazor URL is configured properly in appsettings.json of DbMigrator project.

  var blazorClientId = configurationSection["MyProjectName_Blazor:ClientId"];
        if (!blazorClientId.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
            var blazorRootUrl = configurationSection["MyProjectName_Blazor:RootUrl"].TrimEnd('/');

            await CreateClientAsync(
                name: blazorClientId,
                scopes: commonScopes,
                grantTypes: new[] { "authorization_code" },
                secret: configurationSection["MyProjectName_Blazor:ClientSecret"]?.Sha256(),
                requireClientSecret: false,
                redirectUri: $"{blazorRootUrl}/authentication/login-callback",
                postLogoutRedirectUri: $"{blazorRootUrl}/authentication/logout-callback",
                corsOrigins: new[] { blazorRootUrl.RemovePostFix("/") }

After configuring everything well, run the DbMigrator once to seed client options.

Also, please check appsettings.json file under your HttpApi.Host project. There should be a section like that:

 "App": {
    "CorsOrigins": "https://*"

You can separate CorsOrigins with coma (,), make sure there is your blazor url.

It's a plain AspNetCore issue. We don't implement any custom JSON serialization abstraction that is configurable for each module as ABP Framework.

So, following topic might help to you:

Solution has been merged and will be shipped in v5.2.1 very soon

You can configure it with UI:

As I see, it's a CORS issue, did you configure cors properly for you client?

Make sure your IdentityServer configuration is made properly.

Hi @balessi75

You can't reference any application layer in the domain layer. That violates DDD and also it's a circular dependency. If you have to add a validation to a DTO you can define it in Application.Contracts layer. You should use AppService interfaces since they're placed in the same layer and the runnable end application registers their implementations if it's a client proxy or application service instance.

As a note, if you convert your project to tiered or micro-service architecture, you have to know that appservice interface implementation will be replaced with client proxy implementation and it'll make a HTTP request for each usage.

Hi @LinchArnold

We've investigated and verified the issue. In the module-pro template, sample/test projects are not the real applications, they're just for testing your custom module. If your module is dependent on the account module or you develop something related to the account module, you have to add the account module reference to your project. By doing it, you'll see the account permissions and that setting tab in your application.

If your module doesn't depend on the account module but you still want to see the account in that test project, you can apply the following steps:

  1. Add Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Admin.Application.Contracts to the IdentityServer project.
  2. Add dependson attribute in IdentityServer module file.
  3. Clear Redis keys (If it runs on docker, you can remove the volume and re-run again)
  4. Re-run application. (Make sure IdentityServer is built after adding reference.)

Then you can see account permissions and the account tab on the settings page.

Hi @AdamMusson

I'm trying to reproduce this issue and I have some questions about it?

  • Did you create a new service with the name CategoryService?
  • Is your Category entity and appservice in ProductService or your newly created service?
  • Is the URL https://localhost:44725 gateway's URL or the newly created service's url?
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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on November 20, 2024, 13:06