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⚠️ Bugs & Issues v8.0.x ⚠️ #6260

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EngincanV created
Support Team .NET Developer

⚡ Update ABP CLI and ABP Suite

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli --prerelease
abp suite update --preview

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✏️ Feel free to report any bugs, issues, and problems.

97 Answer(s)
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    rafael.gonzales created

    Hello, It's me again!

    I started testing version 8.0.0 r.c-2 and I found this issue in the default template

    Project Type: MVC Database: Postgresql Mobile: React Native Non-Tiered

    It's missing a class with some pre-defined constants in the default template

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    maliming created
    Support Team Fullstack Developer

    hi rafael.gonzales

    I will check this problem. Thank you.

    This will be fixed in the next RC version.

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    n.uerkmez created

    Hi there,

    The problem in the link is still present on the newly generated pages. It is not practical to offer a manual solution. Wouldn't it be better if you fixed the problem?

    Thank you

    Navigation properties do not work in generated UI (Angular)

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    rafael.gonzales created

    I found another bug.

    No matter what combination of templates are you using within the MVC scope. When you try to add a new Module for your project. It won't add a reference for the new SubModule in the Web Project.

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    0 created

    Hi some input validations are not localized.

    public string AdUrl { get; set; } = null!;
    public decimal Budget { get; set; }

    <abp-input asp-for="AdUrl" /> <abp-input asp-for="Budget" />

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    rafael.gonzales created

    There is a critical error after updating to 8.0.0.rc-3

    It's not possible to create a project in ABP Suite

  • User Avatar
    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    There is a critical error after updating to 8.0.0.rc-3

    It's not possible to create a project in ABP Suite

    Hi @rafael.gonzales, we have released v8.0.0-rc.3 about 1 hour ago and it seems you tried it about 2 hours ago therefore when you tried it, the commercial templates and packages were not released and if you retry again, it should work as expected. Can you try again?

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    rafael.gonzales created

    I think that the timing from GitHub and the ABP release schedule are not aligned. I got an alert from Git Hub about a new pre-release and updated my solution.

    I will try again now

  • User Avatar
    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    I think that the timing from GitHub and the ABP release schedule are not aligned. I got an alert from Git Hub about a new pre-release and updated my solution.

    I will try again now

    I understand your confusion but this is the release for ABP Framework, after this has been completed, then we have started releasing ABP Commercial packages & templates, so they are being released a couple of hours late.

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    alper created
    Support Team Director

    I think that the timing from GitHub and the ABP release schedule are not aligned. I got an alert from Git Hub about a new pre-release and updated my solution.

    I will try again now

    @rafael.gonzales, you need to check this page to see if a new version has been published 👉

  • User Avatar
    rafael.gonzales created

    There is a known bug right now in dotnet 8.0

    If you compile the project you will get the following warning

    The analyzer "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Analyzers.RouteHandlers.RouteHandlerAnalyzer" threw an exception of type "System.InvalidOperationException" with the message "Failed to resolve well-known type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointRouteBuilderExtensions'.".

    This is not an ABP Related bug but a DOTNET 8.0 one. It will be fixed in the next dotnet patch. It can be followed here

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    rafael.gonzales created

    This seems to be appearing in the new release candidate when you create a new module in a MVC | Non-Tiered Solution

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    rafael.gonzales created

    I found a bug in ABP Suite 8.0.0.rc-3

    When you create a Master Entity with a X number of properties and a Detail Entity with another Y number of properties and generate the C# code. When you want to delete a column in the MASTER entity. ABP Suite won't delete the entity in the Detail.json file specification and either won't be deleted in the language file "en.json".

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    rafael.gonzales created

    in ABP Suite 8.0.0.rc-3

    When you generate code for a DETAIL entity. The namespace added in the MASTER entity code is not the one defined in the DETAIL.json file instead It uses the following structure [PROJECT_NAME].[DETAIL_PLURAL_NAME].


    Note: In some MASTER entities. The child namespace is missing.

  • User Avatar
    rafael.gonzales created

    in ABP Suite 8.0.0.rc-3

    In the Master Controller file. The path of the generated _ChildDataGrids.cshtml is wrong. It doesn't include the Module name so It will fail


    public class DemosController : AbpController
        public virtual async Task<PartialViewResult> ChildDataGrid(Guid demoId)
            return PartialView("~/Pages/Shared/Guias/_ChildDataGrids.cshtml", demoId);

    Should be

    public class DemosController : AbpController
        public virtual async Task<PartialViewResult> ChildDataGrid(Guid demoId)
            return PartialView("~/Pages/MYMODULE/Shared/Guias/_ChildDataGrids.cshtml", demoId);
  • User Avatar
    rafael.gonzales created

    in ABP Suite 8.0.0.rc-3

    There is another issue in the generated Index.js

    In the Init DataGrid for child entities, the viewURL and scriptUrl doesn't include the Project Name.

    Using the template system to temporary fix this.

    In template: Frontend.Mvc.Page.Partials.index.js_InitChildDataGridMethod.txt Now:

        function init%%child-entity-name%%Grid(data) {
            if(!abp.auth.isGranted("%%only-project-name%%.%%child-entity-name-plural%%")) {
            var %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id = data%%<if:HasNavigationProperties>%%.%%entity-name-camelcase%%%%</if:HasNavigationProperties>;
            %%<if:IsTieredArchitecture>%%var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Service = window.%%solution-namespace-camelcase%%.controllers.%%child-entity-namespace-camelcase%%.%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%;%%</if:IsTieredArchitecture>%%
            %%<if:IsNonTieredArchitecture>%%var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Service = window.%%solution-namespace-camelcase%%.%%child-entity-namespace-camelcase%%.%%<if:IsModule>%%%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%%%</if:IsModule>%%%%<if:IsNonModule>%%%%child-entity-name-plural-camelcase%%%%</if:IsNonModule>%%;%%</if:IsNonTieredArchitecture>%%
            var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%CreateModal = new abp.ModalManager({
                viewUrl: abp.appPath + "%%child-entity-name-plural%%/CreateModal",
                scriptUrl: abp.appPath + "Pages/%%child-entity-name-plural%%/createModal.js",
                modalClass: "%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Create"
            var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%EditModal = new abp.ModalManager({
                viewUrl: abp.appPath + "%%child-entity-name-plural%%/EditModal",
                scriptUrl: abp.appPath + "Pages/%%child-entity-name-plural%%/editModal.js",
                modalClass: "%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Edit"
            var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%DataTable = $("#%%child-entity-name-plural%%Table-" + %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id).DataTable(abp.libs.datatables.normalizeConfiguration({
                processing: true,
                serverSide: true,
                paging: true,
                searching: false,
                scrollX: true,
                autoWidth: true,
                scrollCollapse: true,
                order: [[1, "asc"]],
                ajax: abp.libs.datatables.createAjax(%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Service.getList%%child-navigation-properties%%By%%entity-name%%Id, {
                    %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id: %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id,
                    maxResultCount: 5
                columnDefs: [
                        rowAction: {
                                        text: l("Edit"),
                                        visible: abp.auth.isGranted('%%only-project-name%%.%%child-entity-name-plural%%.Edit'),
                                        action: function (data) {
                                        text: l("Delete"),
                                        visible: abp.auth.isGranted('%%only-project-name%%.%%child-entity-name-plural%%.Delete'),
                                        confirmMessage: function () {
                                            return l("DeleteConfirmationMessage");
                                        action: function (data) {
                                                .then(function () {
                        width: "1rem"
            %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%CreateModal.onResult(function () {
            %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%EditModal.onResult(function () {
            $("#New%%child-entity-name%%Button").click(function (e) {
                    %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id: $(this).data("%%entity-name-camelcase%%-id")

    Should be:

    function init%%child-entity-name%%Grid(data) {
        if(!abp.auth.isGranted("%%only-project-name%%.%%child-entity-name-plural%%")) {
        var %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id = data%%<if:HasNavigationProperties>%%.%%entity-name-camelcase%%%%</if:HasNavigationProperties>;
        %%<if:IsTieredArchitecture>%%var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Service = window.%%solution-namespace-camelcase%%.controllers.%%child-entity-namespace-camelcase%%.%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%;%%</if:IsTieredArchitecture>%%
        %%<if:IsNonTieredArchitecture>%%var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Service = window.%%solution-namespace-camelcase%%.%%child-entity-namespace-camelcase%%.%%<if:IsModule>%%%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%%%</if:IsModule>%%%%<if:IsNonModule>%%%%child-entity-name-plural-camelcase%%%%</if:IsNonModule>%%;%%</if:IsNonTieredArchitecture>%%
        var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%CreateModal = new abp.ModalManager({
            viewUrl: abp.appPath + "%%only-project-name%%/%%child-entity-name-plural%%/CreateModal",
            scriptUrl: abp.appPath + "Pages/%%only-project-name%%/%%child-entity-name-plural%%/createModal.js",
            modalClass: "%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Create"
        var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%EditModal = new abp.ModalManager({
            viewUrl: abp.appPath + "%%only-project-name%%/%%child-entity-name-plural%%/EditModal",
            scriptUrl: abp.appPath + "Pages/%%only-project-name%%/%%child-entity-name-plural%%/editModal.js",
            modalClass: "%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Edit"
        var %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%DataTable = $("#%%child-entity-name-plural%%Table-" + %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id).DataTable(abp.libs.datatables.normalizeConfiguration({
            processing: true,
            serverSide: true,
            paging: true,
            searching: false,
            scrollX: true,
            autoWidth: true,
            scrollCollapse: true,
            order: [[1, "asc"]],
            ajax: abp.libs.datatables.createAjax(%%child-entity-name-camelcase%%Service.getList%%child-navigation-properties%%By%%entity-name%%Id, {
                %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id: %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id,
                maxResultCount: 5
            columnDefs: [
                    rowAction: {
                                    text: l("Edit"),
                                    visible: abp.auth.isGranted('%%only-project-name%%.%%child-entity-name-plural%%.Edit'),
                                    action: function (data) {
                                    text: l("Delete"),
                                    visible: abp.auth.isGranted('%%only-project-name%%.%%child-entity-name-plural%%.Delete'),
                                    confirmMessage: function () {
                                        return l("DeleteConfirmationMessage");
                                    action: function (data) {
                                            .then(function () {
                    width: "1rem"
        %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%CreateModal.onResult(function () {
        %%child-entity-name-camelcase%%EditModal.onResult(function () {
        $("#New%%child-entity-name%%Button").click(function (e) {
                %%entity-name-camelcase%%Id: $(this).data("%%entity-name-camelcase%%-id")
  • User Avatar
    rafael.gonzales created

    Issue in the generated Master | Detail

    Can you consider moving the "Add new child entity" button to the left instead of being aligned to the right? It will help with the visibility of the button.

  • User Avatar
    rafael.gonzales created

    In the new Master | Detail functionality. The "Export to Excel" feature doesn't include Child entities in the XLSX.

  • User Avatar
    rafael.gonzales created

    In the new Master | Detail functionality.

    • When you create and generate a Child Entity, in the Demo.Domain project, specifically in the Master Entity definition. The namespace of the child entity is not added when a new child entity is generated.
    • In Demo.Application.Contracts happen some sort of the same issue, in the Master Entity Dto, the references added in the USING area it's the PROJECT_NAME.PLURAL_NAME instead of PROJECT_NAME.NAMESPACE defined in the Entity
  • User Avatar
    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hi @rafael.gonzales, thanks for your effort and findings. I'll evaluate these problems and create internal issues.


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    birliks created


    I create a table with ABP Suite CRUD Generator. I have Latitude and Longtitude columns in it as double type. When opening Edit Dialog, these values shown with numericpicker but with 2 decimals as it is default according to Blazorise website ( After updating, it saved to database as 2 decimal points and i am loosing data because of that. My request is to fixing this bug to add Decimals attribute to the numericpicker. Adding decimal point count into the CRUD generator page may be another option (for float and double values). Please see my corrected answer below.

    <Validation> <Field> <FieldLabel>@L["Latitude"]</FieldLabel> <NumericPicker TValue="double" Decimals="15" @bind-Value="@EditingLocation.Latitude" Min="LocationConsts.LatitudeMinLength" Max="LocationConsts.LatitudeMaxLength"> <Feedback> <ValidationError /> </Feedback> </NumericPicker> </Field> </Validation>

  • User Avatar
    n.uerkmez created

    Hi, The following issue appeared with v.8.0.0rc3 after creating a brand new project by abp suite.

    Cannot find name 'HttpErrorComponent'.

  • User Avatar
    n.uerkmez created

    Hi, The following issue appeared with v.8.0.0rc3 after creating a brand new project by abp suite. The Enum type field is not populated correctly in the edit/add new screen.

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    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hi, The following issue appeared with v.8.0.0rc3 after creating a brand new project by abp suite.

    Cannot find name 'HttpErrorComponent'.

    Thanks for reporting, this is a known issue and we will fix it asap.

  • User Avatar
    rafael.gonzales created

    I have a situation with ABP Suite. Even when you change the default order of a newly created Entity. It doesn't generate any code related to the Sorting of the selected property. Could you please review that?

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-preview. Updated on October 11, 2024, 07:13