Hello icoretchi,
Can you go to feature UI of a tenant or host under file management you can configure file size there.
Also please check below discussion https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/49594
Thank you, Anjali
Hello mattw@agilenova.com
Have you checked this https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/7.3/modules/payment
please do let me know if anything else needed
Thank you, Anjali
Hi csykes,
Can you share a screenshot from [dbo].[AbpPermissionGrants]
for this user only?
Thank you, Anjali
Hello Abdulaziz_Alsaffar Can you please try using yarn just delete yarn.lock file if present. Then do yarn after completion of that you can run npm start If still facing issue share package.json file I will try to run at my side locally. Thank you
to Release and then try?
Hello icoretchi,
I have created new razor component named as AppMainHeaderToolbarUserMenu.razor
under *.Blazor/Components/Layout
and added following code.
Please try with this code provided in link AppMainHeaderToolbarUserMenu
It is working at my end like this
Please do let me know if it helps you
Thank you, Anjali
you can override https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/dev/modules/account/src/Volo.Abp.Account.Web/Pages/Account/Login.cshtml.cs and redirect manually to angular
your angular app is authenticated by the authserver not the azure ad the auth server get's the token by azure ad and then azure ad redirects it back to authserver and then authserver redirect is back to angular this is the default working.
in azure ad you have to add authserver url as a redirect url not the angular one
if you want the azure ad token in angular app you can save the token inside the cookie
please see this ticket for more details https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5720/PowerBI-Embed-access-token-issue-with-ABP#answer-3a0d816c-f911-fb7f-703b-e50b0c54a4be
you have to modify Login.cshtml.cs and then get the token from cookie in angular side