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Activities of "armagan"

Is the a way to make the hamburger menu a bit less "in your face" and perhaps also move it to be far right instead of in center which is a very odd location?

For now, you need to override the styles to do something like this, but we are working on this and will change the design this way in the next versions.

Hi Karl

We will make an improvement to the margins and paddings to give you more space in the LeptonX mobile view. We appreciate your feedback.

The right side of the home button is empty so that a button can be placed there (like reports, favorite pages or shortcuts).

Hi ungoti faq, file management, invoices etc. they are html demo elements. copy/paste

dropzone, full calendar, inputmask etc. we did not customize these applications. we used it as is. we just styled it a bit and added the libraries so it can be used in leptonx. you can use it the same way it is normally used.

And again I am asking about the progress ? Why I got no reply here ?

Hi, Please try this.

#lpx-wrapper { max-width: 1440px !important; }


Can you try this code?

.lpx-nav-menu .lpx-inner-menu .lpx-inner-menu .lpx-inner-menu .lpx-menu-item-link { padding-left: 108px; }

Hi Sergei, We have completed this development, and you will receive the update in the next release. I appreciate the feedback you provided.

Best regards, Armağan

Hi, We couldn't repreduse your first problem.

We made an update about the coloring of columns in Datatables. You can have this change with the 2.0-patch update. If you are looking for a faster solution, we recommend removing the "table-stripe" class from the table.

Hi BassaSolutions. We just made use of bootstrap classes while making our theme and we did not use extra classes. So you can make all colors special by simply overriding the bootstrap styles.

Hi Kristy, You can customize the Lepton theme's sidebar menu as follows. Please make sure you write these codes in a css file you call after lepton's css file.

span.lp-icon {
    color: var(--sidebar-text);
span.lp-arrow-icon {
    color: var(--sidebar-text) !important;
span.lp-text {
    font-family: Georgia,serif;
.active-page span.lp-icon {
    color: var(--sidebar-text) !important;
.has-drop a::before {
    border-color: var(--sidebar-text) !important;
.lp-opened-sidebar .lp-sidebar, .lp-closed .lp-sidebar { 
   background: var(--sidebar-bg);

Hi all,

We created a related issue on this subject and started to work on it. Finally, the work is finished and we will deliver it to you with version 4.0.0.

Adding "rtl" class to the <body> tag will help you solve all RTL problems. Please wait for the new version.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

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