Activities of "berkansasmaz"

My suggestion is to create an application service on your AuthServer, you can do whatever you want there. Then, after overriding the model of the page, it will be in the direction of doing the necessary operations after calling and before calling base in the OnPost method.

I assume you can see the code for the OnPostAsync method since you have access to the source code. This will allow you to add claims before or after base.OnPostAsync or copy and paste base.OnPostAsync's code into the method you override and only add claims in certain situations.

Can you try again after you override the OnPostAsync method and make the relevant changes?

However, as I understand it, you want to add new claims, as you stated in your last reply. I cannot recommend doing this by customizing the login page. I think you can do it using this document.

I was wondering what language to use for development.

ABP Framework offers an opinionated architecture to build enterprise software solutions with best practices on top of the .NET and the ASP.NET Core platforms. It provides the fundamental infrastructure, production-ready startup templates, modules, themes, tooling, guides and documentation to implement that architecture properly and automate the details and repetitive works as much as possible.

I thought C# and Angularjs would be easier to develop in, am I wrong?

Yes, you are right.

For example, [golang + react on ABP Commercial] would be fine?

ABP Commercial is a set of premium modules, tools, themes, and services that are built on top of the open-source ABP framework. Additionally, as I just mentioned, the ABP framework is a web application framework for ASP.NET Core

I mean, the ABP framework doesn't deal with GoLang. You cannot use the ABP framework when developing with GoLang. But this does not mean that an application or service you developed with GoLang cannot communicate with an application you developed with ABP framework. As for React, there is currently no React template that ABP officially supports. However, there are templates developed by the ABP framework community. See:

・When using ASP.NET Zero, what use cases are RDB and MongoDB suitable for each?

First of all, ASP.NET Zero is not the same as ABP Commercial. See:

The answer to this question is independent of the ABP framework. If it makes sense to use MongoDB according to your application's requirements while developing a normal application, you can also use MongoDB with the ABP framework. You can think of the same thing in RDMS. See:

Are the following examples correct?

Yes, this is possible. But if you accept advice, I wouldn't recommend complicating things. As your application/project grows, it may be better for you to think about such questions. If I were you, the first thing I would do would be to complete this tutorial and check the documentation of the ABP framework.

Hi, I have to say that your questions sound a bit strange so please correct me if I don't understand you completely.

What is the correct language to use when developing on ABP Commercial?

By Language I think you mean the language of the application here. There is no definite answer to the question, you can develop the application using any language you want. However, if I were you, I would develop on the language most preferred by the users of my application.

Which is the only choice between RDB and MongoDB?

I don't quite understand this question, sorry. If you are asking about the differences between SQL and NoSQL. See:

Can I use RDB and MongoDB at the same time?

Yes, you can. In general, anything you can do with ASPNET, you can do with ABP. In many scenarios, ABP will make your job easier.

What is the best practice for using MongoDB?

We have written documents for this, you can check it. See:

My suggestion is to create an application service on your AuthServer, you can do whatever you want there. Then, after overriding the model of the page, it will be in the direction of doing the necessary operations after calling and before calling base in the OnPost method.

Resources for doing this:


You can of course do the same thing by overriding SignInManager's PasswordSignInAsync method. It just depends on your application and requirements.

What exactly do you want to do?

Want to customize the UI side? See:

Want to customize the sign-in manager? See:

Here is a list of other resources related to customization:

Hello, I have created an issue on the subject. See:

As you said for PRO packages, it first looks at and then when it returns null, it looks at This both causes performance loss and creates the perception that there is an error because returns 404.

I'm closing this topic because it will be followed up with this issue.

Closing the issue. Feel free to re-open or create a new issue if you have further questions.

You're welcome. Have a nice day

Closing the issue. Feel free to re-open or create a new issue if you have further questions 😄

The problem is that you have installed Hangfire in ConfigurateurClient.Admin.HttpApi.Host. If you want to use Hangfire in this project, you should edit ConfigureAuthentication similar to ConfigurateurClient.Admin.Blazor, but I don't recommend it. You don't need to open ConfigurateurClient.Admin.HttpApi.Host outside, it can stay internal. Users with ConfigurateurClient.Admin.Blazor admin privileges can access as the UI allows, but they don't need to access ConfigurateurClient.Admin.HttpApi.Host so you don't need to open its URL outside.

As a result, if you want to solve the problem with the least effort and with a more accurate method, you can solve the problem by moving similar codes to ConfigurateurClient.Admin.Blazor. I tried it works, you can see the screenshot below.

The problem should be solved, can you try again?

Showing 51 to 60 of 332 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 20, 2024, 05:21