ABP Framework version: v9.0.0
UI Type: Angular
Database System: EF Core Postgres
Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Auth server separated
Exception message and full stack trace: NG0955 error
Steps to reproduce the issue: When I upgraded to version 9.0.0, Angular continuously reported warning NG0955. I created a new solution from ABP, but nothing changed. How can I fix this?
I have tried:
Run command: yarn cache clean Go to the Angular folder Remove .angular, node_modules, and yarn.lock files from the existing folders Run command: yarn install Run command: yarn start
You need to replace the built-in Login page and add your
step2 choose tenant
page.The system will redirect to a page in authServer where the system will display a list of tenants that the user has been assigned to. user can choose from the tenants assigned to them.!
The redirect code exists on
method ofVolo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.Web/Pages/Account/Login.cshtml.cs
.so you redirect the user to your custom page on the
method. then show the tenant list and set the new tenant for a new user.You better download the source code of
account pro
to check the code.
thank you. it's work. How about local login?
Hi team! I want to enable one user to log in and join multiple tenancies.
Step 1: At the login screen, I don't select a tenant when logging in with my Microsoft account.
Step 2: The system will redirect to a page in authServer where the system will display a list of tenants that the user has been assigned to. user can choose from the tenants assigned to them.!
Step 3: Select the tenant that the user wants to switch to, then press save. The system will redirect to the Angular page with the chosen tenant.
In current tenant implementation, if a user belongs to many tenant, he/she needs to register many account. Guide me to create flow for the above descriptions?
Can you help me?
userMenu.removeItem(eUserMenuItems.LinkedAccounts); userMenu.removeItem(eUserMenuItems.MyAccount); userMenu.removeItem(eUserMenuItems.SecurityLogs); userMenu.removeItem('Gdpr.GdprNavigation');
Thanks it work
Is this menu page MVC or Angular?
Menu page is Angular
Can someone help me to solve it?