ABP.IO Platform v4.1 Final Has Been Released!
ABP Framework and ABP Commercial 4.1 versions have been released today.
What's New With 4.1?
Since all the new features are already explained in details with the 4.1 RC Announcement Post, I will not repeat all the details again. See the RC Blog Post for all the features and enhancements.
Creating New Solutions
You can create a new solution with the ABP Framework version 4.1 by either using the abp new
command or using the direct download tab on the get started page.
See the getting started document for details.
How to Upgrade an Existing Solution
Install/Update the ABP CLI
First of all, install the ABP CLI or upgrade to the latest version.
If you haven't installed yet:
dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli
To update an existing installation:
dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli
ABP CLI provides a handy command to update all the ABP related NuGet and NPM packages in your solution with a single command:
abp update
Run this command in the root folder of your solution.
ABP Community
We started to get more contributions by the community for the ABP Community contents. Thank you all!
We will be adding Video Content sharing system in a short time. We are planning to create short video contents, especially to explore the new features in every release. Again, we will be waiting video contributions by the community :)
About the Next Versions
Planned preview date for the version 4.2 is January 14, 2021. See the Road Map document and GitHub Milestones to learn what's planned for the next versions. We are trying to be clear about the coming features and the next release dates.
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