ABP CLI is a command line tool to perform common operations for ABP based solutions.

Create new solutions, upgrade existing solutions, add modules, install packages, bundle your resources and much more…

See Documentation

Core Commands

Explore the versatile functionality of ABP Command Line Interface.


Generates a new solution based on the ABP startup templates.


                abp new <solution-name> [options]


                > abp new Acme.BookStore

For more samples, go to ABP CLI Create Solution Samples


Automatically updates all ABP related NuGet and NPM packages in a solution or project to the latest versions.


                abp update [options]

Note that this command can upgrade your solution from a previous version, and also can upgrade it from a preview release to the stable release of the same version.


You can use this command to switch your solution or project to latest preview version of the ABP framework.


                abp switch-to-preview [options]


Adds a multi-package application module to a solution by finding all packages of the module, finding related projects in the solution and adding each package to the corresponding project in the solution.

It can also create a new module for your solution and add it to your solution. See --new option.

A business module generally consists of several packages (because of layering, different database provider options or other reasons). Using add-module command dramatically simplifies adding a module to a solution. However, each module may require some additional configurations which is generally indicated in the documentation of the related module.


                abp add-module <module-name> [options]


                abp add-module Volo.Blogging
  • This example adds the Volo.Blogging module to the solution.
                abp add-module ProductManagement --new --add-to-solution-file   
  • This command creates a fresh new module customized for your solution (named ProductManagement) and adds it to your solution.

Utility Commands

Useful utility commands simplifies your development flow with ABP

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