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This is a complete solution architecture that consists of multiple applications, API gateways, microservices and databases to build a scalable microservice solution with the latest technologies.

You can get it for your next microservice system to take advantage of the pre-built base solution and distilled experience.

Pre-integrated to Popular Tools

The solution is already integrated into the industry-standard tools and technologies, while you can always change them and integrate with your favorite tools.

2 Web Apps with 2 API Gateways

The solution contains two web applications, each one has a dedicated API gateway (BFF - Backend For Frontend pattern).

Back Office Application

Back Office Application

The actual web application of your system, with multiple UI framework options. You can create any kind of business application.

Landing Website

Landing Website

A generic landing/public website that can be used for several purposes, like introducing your company, selling your products, etc.

Multiple UI Options

We love different ways to create the UI. This startup solution provides three different UI framework options for your business application.

Single Sign-on Authentication Server

The solution has an authentication server application that is used by the other applications as a single sign-on server with the API access management features. It is based on the Openiddict implementation.

Multi-tenancy for your SaaS Business

The solution has been fully configured to support multi-tenant systems. It allows the tenants to share or have their own databases with on-the-fly database creation and migration system.